[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HuFvrKV.jpg[/img][/center] Fia nodded as Livia responded, a little relieved the headmistress wasn't upset - though the attempt to make her feel at least a little guilty succeeded somewhat as her smile faltered just a bit. [color=salmon]"O-okay."[/color] Something she wanted? A complete conversation for once would be appreciated, though there wasn't a god to pray to for that one. [color=salmon]"I-I had asked about Cynthia ... looked like you wanted to ... say something. Then Katherine came in ..."[/color] The fourteen year old figured that was enough to be said to summarize the situation so they could finish their talk. [color=salmon]"Also ... I didn't like that woman ... Chione?"[/color] Hopefully before someone else decided to walk in and steal her conversation. Fia looked at the door a little nervously, as if willing it to remain closed. [center][h3][color=wheat]Otille Kohler[/color][/h3][/center] Huh? What was that cheerful voi- [i]SLAM.[/i] Otille coughed as her world returned to focus, looking at the girl on top of her as she took hold of the situation. Brown hair, long, cow like ears and horns. Looking at the missing cow in the pen, she guessed this had to be Cocoa. H-had her spell actually worked? The girl smiled slightly at the thought - though her eyes widened as Cocoa started to r-rub against her? Sure, she'd always done that as a cow ... but now? Otille looked down towards her familiar, seeing the little cowbell around her neck and - where were her clothes!? Otilles eyes drifted towards the clothes she had hoped to would automatically fit onto Cocoa as they laid in a useless pile on the ground. [color=wheat]"C-Cocoa! Put the clothes on!"[/color] Otille's face blushed completely. This was all a bit much - it wasn't that Cocoa was unattractive, she just felt this conversation might be easier like this. Especially considering Cocoa was as cuddly as she had always been, apparently.