[center][h1]The king is dead, long live the king![/h1] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/4a5a/f/2014/168/0/2/fantasy_castle_by_jbrown67-d7mu200.jpg[/img] [h3][i]There once was a grand Empire by the name of Torivian. This land was ruled by the beloved king Andèris. He ruled with justice and cared for his subjects. While he was beloved by most, every powerful man has enemies. King Andèris was no different in that and at one point, he was no more. Stabbed in the back by his most trusted adviser, who betrayed his friend and liege for some petty baubles and trinkets. Luck would have it that the king had a healthy son by the name of Elendin and he was quickly appointed as successor. Many realized that an eleven year old was not really fit to rule an Empire. Thus an old tradition was brought back from the books. The grand provinces would each send an adviser who would help and train this new king into managing the grand empire of Torivian. But who was to say these advisers were trustworthy?[/i] [/h3][/center] [hr] Welcome to The king is dead, long live the king! This RP will be a nation RP of some sort, but with the focus on one character instead of the nation as a whole. You players will be taking the role of the adviser and are send as an ambassador by a province that you yourself create. When creating your nation/province you must think of plenty of things. But we'll get to that later. The court of a grand king isn't nice, and every adviser wants to influence the king into favoring his/her province. There will be alliances, rivalries, backstabbing, bribes, plots and much more behind the back of the wee king. Of course there will also be external threats and stuff that will be happening to the land, and the advise that the players give to the king, one way or another, will influence what happens to the grand Empire of Torivian. Maybe your province breaks the chains and becomes an independent state? It's all up to you! [hider=History of Torivian] Torivian used to be one of many small kingdoms. But due to clever military strategies and political marriages managed to grow into a vast spanning Empire. The conquered realms weren't directly integrated into the ever growing Empire, but rather ruled by an appointed vassal. Each vassal had control over one Grand Province, as people started calling these conquered areas. Minor Provinces dot the map of Torivian as well, but play no part in the theater of politics. [/hider] [hider=Location, location, location] Torivian borders a great sea on the east. To the south of the Empire lie the Badlands. Nothing grows there and it is said nothing lives there as well. To the north the Empire borders a grand mountainous expanse. Westwards lay other kingdoms and empires, ready to be conquered by the ever growing Torivian Empire. [/hider] [hider=Magic] Magic exists, but it is small. Nothing big and flashy. It takes a lot of time and energy to perform even the simplest of tricks. It mostly exists in the form of shamanism, voodooism, spirits, etc. Most of the people saying the are able to perform magic are simple charlatans. Just a tiny amount of people is actually gifted. The views on these people are mixed. Some lords value their powers, others shun them. Emperiat itself has no specific laws for magic users. [/hider] [hider=Religion] The Grand Provinces were allowed to keep their own religion at first, but had to assign a leader of the Emperiat Faith in their court, as to make sure that certain rules weren't broken. The religion the Province of Torivian follows, is the Faith of Man. Which basically means that great, important people, can be elevated Paragonship, so to speak. (Think Dwarves of Dragon Age if you will) All Paragons are equal, apart from one. There is one above all! Sindoras: Creator of Eldas (What the people of Torivian call Earth) No one really knows who he was or what he did, but according to the title he created the world, which raises questions for many theologians, since how can a man... create a world? [/hider] Of course there will be two character sheets. One for your personal character and one for the nation/province you create. Here is a simple template of what that might look like. If you want to spice your character/nation up some more with some extra bits and bops, be my guest. Just PM your ideas or throws them in the OOC. When I give the okay sign, you can put it in the Character Tab. [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Appearance: Known for: Dirty little secret: (Doesn't have to be public) Skills: (smooth talker or stealthy assassin?) Motto: [/hider] [hider=Nation Sheet] Name of the Province: Name of your liege: Position: (I will be making a map in the near future) Specialty: (What is your province good at? Does it deliver the strongest soldiers? Or is it the home to the best scholars? Maybe it is the supplier of food for the entire kingdom? Who knows!?) History: (A short history of the province and it's relation to the previous king) [/hider] Oh, one last thing. Character [b]can[/b] die. Now this does not mean you're out per se. Your province will send a new ambassador, but you'll have to restart all your little alliances and stuff like that. This doesn't mean that you can go on a freakin' murder spree. If you're going to do that, I'm gonna send the guards to get your ass. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask them! [hider=Map of the Empire] [img]https://i.imgur.com/R4Ihe8l.jpg[/img] [/hider]