[hider=God of art] Name: regales Also known as: The muse, culture giver, master of rainbows Age: 183,000 God Aspect: Art Personality: Known as an eccentric thinking that the world is beautiful and meant to be enjoyed. He can easily be mistaken for hedonistic but he believes in the enjoyment of life, not in the pursuit of fulfilling all of one's desires to excess. Parents: born from the desires of beauty Sexuality: hetero Form on Earth: [img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.9VFf8ezgIUrH6F_yaH08PgHaHa&pid=Api[/img] True Form: [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/283/9/4/rainbow_tiger_adoptable__name_your_price__by_angel_adoptables-d5hgeai.jpg[/img] Powers: *Inspiration: He is known as the muse for good reason, he is able to use a fusion of colors and calm to inspire people to do great things from creating a great piece of art or give them an epiphany of their true selves. *Flow of the world: His connection to art and inspiration allows him to dance as well and when in a confrontation he is able to avoid blows with such elegance and grace it is like he is dancing with his attacker. He can avoid most blows and even shock those around him to inspiration. *Rainbow mimic: He is able to pull out his hair and create colorful copies of himself each with their own aspect of a humans personality. He is able to use all known and even unknown colors to create mimics with personalities matching their colors. Example if he pulls out a yellow mimic they will be scared, a red one will be an angry mimic and so on. Weapon: [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/acdf/f/2010/200/e/0/ori_staff_weapon_by_wuw_daniel.png[/img] known as the staff of art it is a blunt force weapon allowing him to disarm others and use his graceful movements to their fullest. History: He believed in mankind, that is probably the best-known thing about him. As other gods may have spit and become angered at the humans he saw them as children running around and making childish fights. He never hated them for he saw in each of them the capacity to do the greatest good if they were nurtured properly. He was born from the intense desires of people wanting to become beautiful or create beautiful things. At first he was considered the patron of women as they made the effort to make themselves more attractive to men and find their mates but later on he was the patron to artistry as a whole. He himself was actually the Norse god Kvasir, he was the god of inspiration who's blood was made into heavenly mead and while he didn't like using his blood he was able to spread inspiration to a point. When his time as a Norseman was over He watched as great men sought out Inspiration and beauty in the world. He helped those who inspiration and help changing the world through a gorgeous piece of art that changed the perspectives of all who saw it. History: None may know this but he was the one who inspired the most artistically driven peoples in human history. One noticeable instance was how he was able to help Leonardo and Michelangelo to create beautiful pieces of art that withstood the test of time. He cried when they died for they were precious children that died to soon. When he was exiled from heaven he was not sad for he saw it as an opportunity to make the humans see that art is wherever one can find it and even bad art is still art. He began his journey to look for artists that can continue making world changing art. While he found it difficult to get used to his physical body he was able to use it well in his travels and none have recognised him and if they did it was only as a wanderer without a name or a man that helped those that were struggling to find the beauty in anything in the world. If someone wished for a sign that the world wasn't so bleak he would be their and providing the inspiration for them to go on. Motive: He wishes to continue his search for humans that can change the world and create art that will inspire the world to great culture. [/hider]