[b]Sekhemi and Yang[/b] Sekhemi watched and listened as everyone began to shout at him, Ruby and Yin even went to attack him. He clenched his fist tightly and jumped away to the left, shooting fire out of his feet to try and avoid their attacks, however the moment he did Yang, who had jumped forward toward him punched him in the face and sent him flying back. Not only was did both attacks catch him, cutting him Sekhemi smashed his back into the tree. The dark fire had already disappeared due to Raven's intervention. Yang stood forward and shouted at Sekhemi. "Next time don't try to kill us all!" Yang clenched her fist, in a bad mood now. She felt sorry for whoever the decided to try and start a fight with them next, because she needed to let off some steam. Sekhemi's body was covered in black fire which rapidly began to heal his injuries as he breathed shallowly. [b]Kuro[/b] Kuro watched as Sekhemi set the forest ablaze. He couldn't believe how crazy he was! There was a silver flash and he felt himself being drained of magic. He fell to his knees closing his eyes. Then he slowly looked to Yoruichi sat upon his head who didn't seem to be much affected by the silver flash. "Yoruichi, are you alright?" Yoruichi gave a quick nod as she looked around, seeing multiple people having the same reaction as Kuro before looking back to him quickly and nodding once more. "Yes, as long as you are safe Prince Kuro." Kuro slowly got himself up and gave a nod. He looked around and noticed that the situation with Sekhemi was being handled. He felt his magic returning and gave a small smile, good it was only short lasted. He looked at the Guardian and how multiple people were trying to calm him down. His job for now was to help Yoruichi protect everyone. He closed his eyes making sure the barrier around everyone stayed strong so the meteors couldn't do any major damage. [b]Julia[/b] Julia watched as everyone got into action right away in trying to fight off the Maidens and calm down Rethynth, it was starting to work. She was about to act when she froze, her eyes widened when she saw meteors, however they only affected the Maidens, good. It was Sekhemi, the one who she didn't even mean to summon who decided to set the forest ablaze. With her pure shock and horror she was frozen for a moment. Luckily the situation was being handled. There was a silver flash and Julia felt herself being drained for a moment. She felt weak and dazed, and she couldn't do anything so for now she had a few words to say, turning to Sekhemi, she shouted at him. "I can't believe you are that stupid! In fact, calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! We are in the Forest of Life! I just told you that, twice actually and your great idea is to set it on fire? I swear, are you secretly working for the bad guys? Let me put this as clear as possible to you so you understand. Forest of Life dies, Guardian of Life dies, Guardian of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, world dies, world dies, everything dies. Guardian of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, Forest Of Life dies and then finally world die once again. If world dies, everything dies. Do you understand now? You can use your magic fire when we actually need it, not when we are in the Forest of Life, you dumbass." Julia just screamed in anger before letting out a soft sigh. She turned to Rethynth who was maddened still, even after Angela's song and the illusion magic. Rethynth was still rather angry and out of control. Wonder why? It was then that Julia added her own voice to Angela's. After all, Lalafell were the protectors of the Forest of Life, the protectors of the Tree of Life and the Protectors of the Guardian of Life. They were all connected emotionally. She could feel his pain, his fear, his despair. Julia walked up to the Tree of Life and placed her hand on it. Her eyes closed and her hand glowed green. It was then that she sang the ancient song of healing. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXTvqpjQGz8[/youtube] As she sang Rethynth let out a loud roar but she continued to sing using the power of the Tree of Life itself to heal him. Now, even animals gathered around to watch. Birds tweeted the song while wolves howled the tune. Everyone was doing their part. It calmed him down almost completely but it didn't put him to sleep as she intended. "Rethynth please rest for now." She then turned to everyone else when he laid himself down and tried to rest and relax. The tree warriors sunk back into the ground as he did. "He needs his rest while his soul is healed. I believe the cracks in reality are causing him to lose himself. He would be able to feel their darkness through the cracks, even if nothing comes through them. He is able to do this because he is connected to all life on this planet which means he is connected to all worlds and universes also. So it could also be the fact that he can feel other worlds, and the panic and fear of others is driving him to attack. Whatever it is, we must continue on to Ishaena, City of the Lalafell. We cannot stay here too much longer, we've drawn way too much attention to ourselves than I'd like. We can come back later and speak to him when he has rested." She walked up to Rethynth and placed her hand on his head. Her hand glowed green and she spoke once more. "Rest Rethynth, my dear friend. We will speak soon, I promise." Just as she was about to get going, it was then that a group of others appeared in front of them. Julia's eyes widened quickly and she stood back. Please, no, not now! Why did they have to come now?! [hider=Lalafell][hider=Bane][img]https://www.thegamesupply.net/media/ffxiv/f/726c25c5657d0e7e1ace8870a1a59ff5_777c57311d510ca65dac3c1077dee435fl0_640x873.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Chief Yoal][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/11288068_426913334154947_2063751569_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=OTg2NzUxODc3MTYxMDMwNTQx.2[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Law Enforcers][hider=Lalafell][hider=Scourge][img]https://i.redd.it/0btu051o4o6z.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Lilith][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/108a26a481e0aea79c0e27f00c811159/tumblr_nc81ck9GmF1qgxaowo1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Skywing][img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/007/122/large/elrad-choy-zhi-xian-dragoon.jpg?1455859383[/img][/hider] [hider=Nova][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/e102/f/2014/266/3/4/ffxiv__ninja_omn_by_bchart-d808lqv.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Mordred][img]http://jolstatic.fr/www/captures/974/5/104285.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Kitsune][hider=Misuki][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5812/8c73ba72a89303e779cb133ee89d616709851221_hq.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Aizen][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6156/6ceca25f6744e75045166b28a62063693b3603af_hq.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Daemonfeuer][hider=Brick][img]http://rpgimg.dootstuff.com/index.php?q=/image/2723.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Sai][img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0317/22/1398518503249.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Sliver][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/66/c0/25/66c0255a9152966b94f331b8edfa66bb.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Bone][img]http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/19798864/images/1341830323212.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Blake][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b8/87/2c/b8872c345dfe7afdc9ce30fd77a16292.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Reptile][img]http://taxidermicowlbear.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/7/4/23742956/4944172_orig.png[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Dragonborn][hider=Elizabeth][img]https://ii.yuki.la/e/9a/903b704e9b98a213ed8b008df996272fc9ec9cc498f6c7ed0fdc2220261319ae.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Draco][img]http://www.darrencalvert.com/dracun2.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Crunch][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/f7d8/f/2011/117/6/0/602bfcae82e5e148a2e6b67e107909c2-d3f17mn.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Salamance][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/21/80/08/218008b843c2fe0ca34bda9561604112.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Khajiit][hider=Fang][img]http://img1.reactor.cc/pics/post/full/furry-%D1%84%D1%8D%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%8B-furry-art-furry-tiger-3491567.jpeg[/img][/hider] [hider=Taigra][img]https://static1.e621.net/data/25/82/25820db32c3c84a1f7658aaa55d68e23.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Taigress][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/7d64fe48eb98ddc7f47b31a5c780f1ad/tumblr_o9cjzpMObj1toe6ado4_1280.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Roegadyn][hider=Stone][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/tsrd/images/7/7a/Cruzado.png/revision/latest?cb=20160921214807&path-prefix=pt-br[/img][/hider] [hider=Destro][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cb/fa/89/cbfa89b9e170c82adf1349a3edd64441.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider][/hider] [b]You cannot instant kill any of the NPCs. If you wish to try to kill them then you must do a battle post. We can either do a co-post together on whoever you are attacking or just mention me when attacking and I'll respond.[/b] It was the Lalafell Sorcerer, Mordred who stood forward and looked around the forest before looking towards Julia. After a quick analysis he spoke up. "Julia, I assume you summoned these foreigners, correct?" Julia sighed before giving a soft nod. "It was either that or let the world be destroyed." Of course, she couldn't say much considering Sekhemi threatened the Forest of Life and everything in it. Mordred spoke up once more. "Julia, you are under arrest for bringing foreigners into Azroh. This is punishable by death. All foreigners summoned, you will be arrested for entering the world of Azroh. Punishable by death. All of you have threatened the Forest of Life, Guardian of Life and the Tree of Life and thus threatening the world and all other worlds. This is punishable by death. Your execution date is today, starting now. All Law Enforcers, do not harm the Forest of Life, apprehend the criminals quickly. If you see a chance to kill them, do so." Julia stood back once more. Damn it, this was why she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself, thanks Sekhemi, thanks a whole fucking lot. Before the Law Enforcers took action Cheif Yoal stepped forward. "I knew you were serious on your study on these cracks but I never thought you'd be willing to become a criminal for it. Julia, Lalafell or not I am afraid I will have to fight you, in order to protect the Forest of Life. I could sense the damage Julia, I could feel it. These people are dangerous. When I called the Law Enforcers, I never expected to see you. I'm sorry it has to be this way Julia." Julia let out a soft sigh and stepped forward. "Some of these people may not be the best, but right now it's all we have. If you kill us the world will die anyway! Let us do our job, we can leave the forest." As to answer her question, Bane grabbed his spear and the moment he did, everyone else did too. It was obvious, they weren't getting out without a fight but Mordred held out his hand and spoke once more. "If we let you roam about the world doing whatever they please, then we are worse criminals they are. I will tell you what. I will give you all one and only one chance. Come with us peacefully, surrender to us. We do not want to fight in the Forest of Life, maybe just maybe, if you surrender now your punishment MIGHT be overlooked, but I can not promise anything." Julia gave a little laugh, making it clear to everyone she didn't believe a word he had said. Julia grabbed Red from the top of her head and placed him down on the floor. Then she slowly looked around to see what everyone else did, or what their thoughts were. She wanted to avoid a fight is possible, but their options weren't looking good.