[h3][center]~Cyl~[/center][/h3] [@SpawnMeme][@Lord Zee] [hr] [color=bc8dbf]"Ah,"[/color] As their laughing died down, Cyl turned to the new presence in the area. A man who she didn't recognize, yet knew all the same. They straightened their posture, removing a cloth from his pockets and wiping up the blood on their wrist. Permanent injuries were something they had never had to worry about, so he had never been shy from doing such a thing for experimentation. [color=bc8dbf]"Amos! Older brother dearest, of course it'd be you. Just my luck."[/color] She offered him an unsettling grin, tossing the cloth carelessly to the ground as he stared at him. Despite his sour tone, it didn't seem he was too displeased though it'd be difficult to tell. It had been so long since she had seen their kin, it had almost forgotten what they look like. Ah, technically she didn't need to keep up this human form. He could make the humans brain melt out their ears but that would end the fun far too early. [color=bc8dbf]"Eons of exile and the first I run into is the boring one. I was hoping the sweet bell would lead me to Desious, but it seems as though I might be late. Oh well, not like he has anything important to say anyways, the fool."[/color] She giggled again, walking over to Amos and observing him for a few seconds. [color=bc8dbf]"And please, please, Cyl will do nicely. No need to be so formal on our [i]grand[/i] family reunion."[/color] Cyl glanced over to the human. [color=bc8dbf]"And never mind the human. He asked me for a magic trick."[/color]