Katherine followed her sister into the dark and somewhat elegant room. [color=green]"Please, Livia dear... We both know I've the basics of magic down more than you. I also have a higher capacity for mana. Natural talent and all. I study a lot more than you give me credit for. I could be here bothering you... I could also be studying the intricacies of the relations between the physical body and the soul that guides it while bothering you But who knows. I'm here physically here with you now."[/color] The Puppeteer said, skirting close to Livia again, grabbing her arm like some clingy girlfriend. [color=green]"So, now, why don't you help those girls out? I thought you'd love the chance to prove you're smarter than them. Plus, they might be able to do a favor or something for you."[/color] [hr] [color=ba55d3]"I wonder if she understands that I might already understand that one shouldn't admit they're a non-human in a human city. Non that it should matter in the end. This city is quite backwards."[/color] She didn't even really seem to care she said that to a resident. Nor should she really talk considering the Tengu typically do not allow humans in their territory. [color=ba55d3]"Regardless, if things should be so difficult to find information, perhaps we should find another town... Perhaps one not so human. Dwarves are considered wise are they not? Elves?"[/color] She'd love to find everything they needed to know here, but in case they don't it didn't hurt to have a backup.