Travelling through the dark tunnel felt like an eternity, even though it only lasted for roughly half a minute. She closed her eyes as she lays close to her kiteshield, bracing for impact. She didn't bother looking at what was in front of her, however she could tell when she got closer to the end of the ride when her surroundings started to grow brighter. Zuri crashes into the water with quite an impact, slowly drifting deeper and deeper towards the bottom. As she returns to her senses, she opens her eyes and propels herself back to the surface with small magical platforms on the bottom of her feet. Zuri resurfaces and starts to cough from the water that went through her nose. She rubs her eyes and starts to scout for her teammates. Zuri spots a boat of some sort so she starts swimming over to it. Soon later, Felix emerges from the skies and hovers above the surface of the water. She was relived that this mission has finally come to an end. She hops onto the boat and walks through the portal that was graciously opened by Felix. Soon after stepping through, Zuri was welcomed by the warmth of a spell that dried everyone off. The sense of relief was soon overshadowed by the serious tone when Felix started to explain his situation. When he was done, tears started to run down Zuri's eyes and she doesn't even notice at first. She thought she had it rough with the curse that was placed on her, but at least she still has more freedom. Zuri felt bad for Felix. She wants to help him. No matter what. She wipes off her tears and smiles. "I.. I'll see this to the very end, and nothing will change my mind." Zuri finishes with a gentle sniff.