[b]By the Big Door I Guess[/b] Ivas was quickly growing frustrated, despite his rigor absolutely nothing was coming up on his treasure sense. That, well, it just didn't make any sense! This was most definitely the type of place that should set it off blaring with alarm bells! He was about to ask one of the other random folks around here what gives when he finally caught a break. One of the carvings on the wall lit up with strange lights when his sword touched it! Jumping forward to inspect it closely, Ivas could see that it was quite different from the others. While the other carvings on the walls were more abstract images and symbols, drawn with harsh lines and rigid angles, this one was all round shapes and curving corners. It depicted four young women of varying size and stature, who all looked extremely happy about..... something. Ivas was struck by how detailed their faces were for a stone carving, and how pretty the artist had managed to make them despite the rocky medium. One of them had lit up with a glowing outline when his sword touched her image, though it faded back away soon afterwards. He found that re-touching the picture of her re-activated the outline, and that he could do the same with all the others. The two shorter figures, both of whom also had short hair, were outlined in pink light; the second tallest, who had a long ponytail, in gold; and the tallest, who had long, straight hair, in deep blue. Turning all four of them "on" didn't seem to really do anything except that their lights no longer faded, but now remained illuminated. "Hey guys! Check this out! D'you think this weird picture does anything? Maybe there's a chest full of gold behind it, if we like, figure out the puzzle!" he said to no one in particular.