[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/USb1KVF.png[/img][/center][hr] Long before the Mayor woke up, Grayson was already getting a head start for the day, rushing down the stairs towards the kitchen. He had to, after all, there were plenty of early risers in town and Grayson liked to have the cafe open for them so that they could enjoy a fresh cup of coffee or some fresh pastries if they came into town. Just because it was a new year didn't mean he could slack on his self-imposed responsibilities, and he definitely had a lot on his plate to get done before he could open up. If the past was any indication of how today would go thanks to the Mayor's nature, Grayson knew he'd need all the time he could get this New Years day. So naturally, Grayson began the process of opening up the cafe. It all began with a flick of a switch here, a press on a button there, turning on all the various appliances so that they could heat up in preparation for potential customers or just some simple requests from the Mayor for tonight. Hopefully, he'd go easy this year on requests, it wasn't exactly like they had 8 hands anymore working the place. Grayson winced slightly at that thought, causing him to pause slightly before he sighed under his breath. Everything was fine, he told himself, just a bit more work... Just a bit more work... Thankfully the phone began to ring loudly as if on cue, snapping Grayson out of his depressive thinking for good as he muttered a [color=#FF8247]"Oh thank the Goddess..."[/color] under his breath before reaching for the phone. It was immediately obvious that it was the Mayor, who sounded slightly more ecstatic than usual, which was because he had found the tree like he always does. Grayson couldn't help but laugh a little at the self-absorbed man's attitude, rolling his eyes with a smile as the Mayor managed to once again seem rather unpleasant. At least his ending, Grayson thought, was a nice way to end that catastrophe of a phone call. [color=#FF8247]"Still though, what I should I bring? Coffee that late would be odd to say the least... What about some stuffed croissants? Quiche? Maybe a chicken tender salad too!"[/color] Grayson said aloud, putting together several dishes in his head to prepare for tonight. Not too many, he didn't want to overburden himself, and he was sure other people would bring something for tonight. Definitely not for the Mayor, he even wasn't doing this for the Mayor, but more for the community he'd come to love and defend. Regardless, it was still early in the morning and that party would be for later. Right now, it was time to open shop, and feeling confident everything was done and ready for business once more, he flipped the sign on the door so that read from closed to open.