[hr][hr][center][b][h1][i][color=a187be]Elizaveta Romanova[/color], [color=c0c0c0]Sister Mary Ignatia Hale[/color], and [color=9999ff]Virginia Crypt[/color][/i][/h1][/b][img]https://s13.postimg.org/n1v4xwkx3/COLLAB.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Russian Imperial Circus Tent City (Regent's Park) [b]Skills:[/b] Tretiy Glaz (Elizaveta/Passive)[/center][hr] Elizaveta glanced over to her uncle by affection and gave him a soft smile as her head bobbed in the slightest of acknowledgements. [color=a187be]"I have no doubt that my announcement vill be nothing less than perfection,"[/color] she told him. Turning her attention to Virginia she shook her head slightly. [color=a187be]"Think nothing of it. There is no debt to pay. Vatching over a child never should require payment or debt."[/color] The Grand Duchess thought it was odd that Virginia would say such a thing, perhaps things were done differently in England than they were in the Circus. [color=a187be]"Yes, privacy vould be best for ve have much to discuss and little time, let us retire to my tent,"[/color] Elizaveta suggested to the two women and motioned over to her home within the Circus before giving a dove like chuckle to James. [color=a187be]"Everything will become clear soon. Nov, you two, have fun with Myska, he listen,"[/color] she said gently. "My names Adam," he said to James before looking over at Myska as Elizaveta spouted something off in Russian to Petrov. He nodded and took control of the boys for her. "I have seen him out run a horse to take it dovn and devour it," he said as he picked up Adam and placed him on Myskas back before motioning for James to come to him so he could place him on Myska as well. "Come, ve go for run." Elizaveta smiled and turned towards her tent. [color=a187be]"They will have fun, this vay please,"[/color] she said as she started for her tent. It wasn't an uncommon thing, in fact to this day Elizaveta was known to ride Myska through the tent causing all sorts of havoc when the mood struck her. It was rare but she still did it from time to time. The Great Bazhooli bowed deeply, potentially leaving one to wonder how he kept his tall, black hat upon his head as he did so. [color=firebrick]"Ov course, Grand Duchess. Is what Viktor does, better than any. You vill be centerpiece of attention, eyes drawn to you like snow upon mountain peak."[/color] Briefly, he began to consider the full implications of Virginia's words. [color=firebrick]"Dearest alabaster Lady Crypt, for please, realize that vith important guests, our people vill be guarding against outside peoples coming in. Tent City is circus and guests of circus [i]only[/i], and no von is allowed into Grand Pavillion Tent. Von of "Talinks" not invited; vhat happens, happens."[/color] He shrugged, [color=firebrick]"Even if must happen vith axe."[/color] [color=a187be]"Спасибо,"[/color] Elizaveta stated towards Vlad, she knew things were in good hands with him making sure of things while she was dealing with other matters. The man had the best hands in the Circus. There was no denying that. Pausing in thought, Vladimir remembered that he had met two of the family that Virginia had named, one of which he had peered into the soul of. It was the woman, sister to the one that Mary had held at gunpoint. Yes, he knew exactly the ones, and apparently there were more of them who intended harm to young James. Mary remembered them, too. Thinking back on it, her friend might have been spared had she pulled the trigger the previous evening, although without appropriate cause or provocation that would have been a sin most cardinal. However, it is not murder to defend the lives of others. [color=c0c0c0]"Certainly. Let us discuss this, and other matters, with discretion and haste."[/color] She followed Elizaveta back to her tent. The Circus' generosity was more than Virginia had hoped to imagine. No one seemed to even hesitate when she explained that the Talinks would be an issue that would potentially take an axe to handle or that James would need to be attended. While Elizaveta insisted that there was no need for repayment, she made a mental note to speak to Alfred about liberating some funds to donate to the Russian Circus. Virginia cast a last look at James, noticing how cheerful he was with Adam, Petrov, and Myska, before she followed Mary and Elizaveta to the tent. Once inside the tent, Elizaveta motioned towards the soft velvet padded short benches in her tent. They were a customary item in any place where women had to deal with long gowns and many layers of petticoats. No backing to a chair made it easier to sit and Elizaveta felt they were better than the floor and pillows at this point, especially considering how much heft her gown and cloak had. [color=a187be]"Apparently there is much to discuss. Let us address safety first, of little James. I knov not exactly vhat is occurring with your family but I do knov vhat I sav in his eyes. Vhat do you need precisely?"[/color] Mary found a bench and leaned her polearm against it. It was customary at this time for the person of higher social standing to have the floor when beginning the conversation in earnest, else the person who had the grievance. As Virginia had already divulged the difficulty involving her little brother James and Elizaveta had taken the initiative to ask for greater detail, a thing that Mary wanted as well, she took a conversational backseat and merely listened for the meantime. If question or comment came to mind, Mary would express it. But for now she contented herself with removing her long white robe, revealing a fitting black cassock, chain rosary, and her more lethal tools of her occupation. She hung the robe upon the backspike of her halberd, checked the soundness of her pistol, and carefully sat down to listen to what Virginia had to say. Veta had offered the protection of the Circus, Mary that of the Vatican. Perhaps a detail in the conversation would give her greater understanding of the wants and needs of the Crypt family. Virginia looked at Elizaveta with some curiosity, as she mentioned that she had seen something in James' eyes. She assumed that it had to be a Russian skill and just like her brother, she initially wished to understand it. Yet her concern for him dominated her psyche. What exactly did she need? She required assistance, but that in itself was vague. There were two threats to James and her family - one unknown, the Talinks being the other. Her father had sent word, instructions as to what she must do. But James could not journey with her - it would be too dangerous for him. He was a little too young to die in misadventure. [color=9999ff]"Shelter for James from those who wish to do him harm - the Talinks and whomever left the note in blood,"[/color] Virginia answered. [color=9999ff]"I know that you, Dame Commander, have offered the protection of the Vatican should I name you his godmother. While he would be protected, I worry that he would lose the childhood beloved by all Crypts...That he would never learn to dance a Mamushka or play [i]Wake the Dead[/i] on a dark night."[/color] Elizaveta was contemplative for a moment, looking at the situation that Virginia was presenting to them. It was not a pleasant one to say the least yet she had an idea and it was rather obvious. [color=a187be]"Then James stay vith Circus under their care. Learn the Mamushka, assign guardian over him. He be safe, he learn to dance, to twirl the blades. Have children his age to play vith, elders to look up too. Be provided for, best training, off season in the Carpathians, and see vorld vhile being protected. Crovn vill take on expenses. Ve talk to Baron Alexandrov, Vlads father."[/color] Mary maintained her serene exterior, seemingly a permanent fixture of hers. It allowed her to keep her internal thoughts internal, much like a particularly holy poker face. This seemingly innocuous trait also gave her the unique ability to convey complex thoughts by changing the tiniest of details about her face. One such occurrence transpired when Virginia mentioned the game beloved and familiar to the Crypt family: [i]Wake the Dead[/i]. The mild furrows occupied her forehead and her eyes narrowed as she turned her head ever so slightly toward her friend. Mary could only guess as to the nature of said game, though her acquaintance with the family led her to question whether or not it may involve talking boards and/or shovels. The Bible, as utilized by the Catholic Church, was extraordinarily fuzzy about its stance on either possibility. Whichever, both, or neither case, it would [i]not[/i] surprise her. [color=c0c0c0]"I am forced to concede that the Russian Grand Circus would be a more appropriate fit for the young Viscount, even from what little I have witnessed during my limited time here. I do not believe that this place is safer than Vatican City, though I do not believe that any place is. There is also the stark truth that one must arrive there first to be put within its protection."[/color] Mary knew that lesson better than most. Her journey to the seat of Catholic power was soaked in blood and she barely made it there alive, alone in a strange land where she did not yet know the language. [color=c0c0c0]"Be that as it may, I do wish to have a hand in ensuring James's safety. Perhaps something can be established on his behalf with the meeting tonight. Otherwise, I can state that the resources of the Church here in London are at his disposal, and that my sword is pledged to his defense. His enemies, dead and living, are my enemies."[/color] Virginia considered Elizaveta's offer carefully. From what she had been told, her family once had been close with the Russian Circus or the Crown. With this being the case, she imagined what she would wish for her own child, as well as what her mother and father would recommend. While James showed some interest in Catholicism, it was mostly centered on the Inquisition. With the Russian Circus, he could learn the dance with immense family importance to them. The death defying ways of the Circus would suit him well, nurturing the little pyrotechnic in one of their crafts. And above all else, he would be safe and secure. He could wade into the darkness on his own terms once he was ready. Virginia finally nodded. As much as she did not wish to leave her brother, to take him with her on her upcoming journey would be too much. [color=9999ff]"I think James would be quite happy here at the Circus,"[/color] Virginia agreed. [color=9999ff]"I can send word to Alfred to prepare his things - as well as my copy of our family records, so that way he may remember and honor his history."[/color] The choice was hardly easy on Virginia and it showed. In many ways, her voice was tired and drained. [color=9999ff]"We Crypts are not without means as well - please, do allow me to make a donation to the Circus. Were my father here, I am certain he would thank you both from the bottom of his heart to the top of his skull. I must thank you for being willing to offer protection to dear James."[/color] [color=a187be]"Then ve vill speak to the Baron as soon as we are done here and before ve have to deal vith the Graveolase this evening. Everything will be arranged and we can vork out details at that time,"[/color] she said wanting to get through as much as possible as quickly as possible. Elizaveta was not one to dawdle once something was settled. [color=a187be]"On to next point of business. Myself and others in Circus have had visions. It is part of Russian skill knovn as Tretiy Glaz. From vhat ve can piece together, your friend Miss Wyndham is in dire trouble. Ve knov not vhat everything means but there is pain, suffering, symbols of marriage, and Scotland. After speaking with Mary and her informing me of some customs in this part of the vorld, it has been concluded she is most likely being forced to The Green? Is that right?"[/color] Elizaveta asked Mary to confirm what she had heard and if she had the name correct. Mary nodded in agreement before responding vocally. [color=c0c0c0]"Yes, Grand Duchess. If the visions are interpreted correctly, the most logical place they would be headed is a township called Gretna Green, called "The Green" by many familiar with it. Laws concerning marriage differ in Scotland, but are upheld by the Crown here in England. Gretna Green is notorious for couples eloping, or who desire legal marriage without the wait and scrutiny associated with British Commonlaw."[/color] She shook her head gravely, [color=c0c0c0]"There are those who exploit this for their own agenda, and marriages at knifepoint, figurative and literal, can occur."[/color] Virginia was afraid of this, yet rather than her blood turning to ice, it instead began to boil - figuratively speaking, of course. It had been a while since any Crypt claimed that their blood had boiled - and if Virginia's memory served her correctly, it had been a particularly insane one, even by Crypt standards. From Elizaveta's and Mary's descriptions, the situation for Millicent was more dire than had initially appeared. Lord Rutherford must have forcibly taken her to Gretna Green, just after a night of tragedy for many of the [i]ton[/i] - Millicent included. [color=9999ff]"Then we must act quickly. From what I have gathered, she had accepted the courtship of Lord Rutherford, one of the most vile men in England. She has a significant dowry and it is possible that after a marriage at knifepoint, her throat may be slit - or perhaps her spirit broken. To rescue her from such unneeded sorrow and suffering, travel must begin tonight."[/color] [hider=Translations] Спасибо - Thank you [/hider]