Eyelids fluttered open slowly at the sound of loud snoring from the other side of the bed. With a groan, she brought her hand up and swiped the hair from her eyes. Kerta awoke to find herself fully nude and flat on her belly, covers thrown astray. She glanced around the interior of the room and let out a breath when she realized that it was her own. Before she could prop herself up, another deep noise interrupted the silence of the morning. She raised a brow and looked over her shoulder to see a strange man in her bed. Groaning, she slowly sat up and kicked her leg out, connecting with the man's side. The kick caused him to roll over, landing on the hard ground with a thud and a yell. [color=mediumpurple]"Go on. Out with you. No longer needed here."[/color] The man staggered to his feet and looked the nude woman over with a smirk. Wiping off his chin, he took a step towards her, only to be stopped when she pulled out a blade. His eyes widened and he quickly lifted his hands in response. "Woah, woah. No need for hostilities. Only wanted a good morning smooch." Kerta held the blade steady, an eyebrow raising in annoyance. [color=mediumpurple]"Do I [i]look[/i] the type to give a good morning smooch? Out, before you lose an appendage. One that you're so very fond of."[/color] With a gruff, the man quickly pulled his clothes on before taking off out of the room. She watched him run out before snickering to herself. Shaking her head, she stood and pulled on some clothes before gingerly running her fingers through her hair. Her hair was her greatest asset- yet it was also her more tale-tale feature. It being the color of near grayish white, it was something that most people never really saw. Something that she could be remembered for. When she was a young girl, Kerta's father had cursed her, calling her a freak for the unnatural color. He had threatened to cut it off before a stranger had remarked on her beauty. That remark had landed her an offer for the local brothel. She should really cut it, or find some way to change the color. Yet, it was the one thing that reminded her of beauty. She was special. [i]Unique.[/i] There was no way she was giving that up. Didn't take her long to put herself completely together. Making her way out of her quarters, she grabbed a cup of ale sitting in the commons. She smirked at the protest of its owner before gulping down the contents. Tossing the empty mug, she made her way up to the captain's quarters. Kerta remembered something about him having a meeting near dawn- he surely should be back now. Even naught, she would just wait him out. Maybe even get an afternoon toss around, to boot. With a small tap at his door, she made her way inside before he could respond. Glancing over at Drystan, she took in his expression. She smirked and shook her head before taking a seat on the corner of his desk. [color=mediumpurple]"You look like hell."[/color]