“Something one needs to learn is that we can’t always get what we want” Jamie said, laying a restraining hand on Ariel and Ethel. Things were confusing enough already, without making them worse, and Jamie wanted to know what was going on here, even if it meant she physically hold them back. “They don’t need to be distracted right now” Which was probably true, but more then that, Jamie didn’t want anything to disrupt the plans to, more than likely, save Fiore. “You will wait” Her tone strict, Jamie looked towards Jasmine, studying her a moment. There was entirely too much going on at once. Still, Jamie gave jasmine her attention, keeping a restraining hold on the… merged girls. “Why yes.” Jamie said, tilting her head slightly, “Although I wouldn’t consider it something wrong, dear” Jamie smiled, reassuringly. “You are fine, Jasmine.” She said, “The first use of magic can be quite unnerving, I must agree with that. You’ll get use to it” [hr][hr] Michael wasn’t sure he could explain. He looked down at his hands, frowning slightly, before he looked up. “We never learned what happened to the Fairy Tail mages on the island… and… that means there could be celestial keys there, the spirits trapped in the spirit realm, unsummoned, suffering, not able to do what they are meant to, for a hundred years. I.. I want to go to find out what happened. I.. Uriel doesn’t think the dragons will harm us… not all of them, but… well, didn’t humans and dragons survive peacefully before? Even with the need for slayers… Dragons didn’t attack for no reason, right? They’re intelligent beings” He looked up, seeming to not notice that he hadn’t stumbled over a single word, looking to Trinity. “But whatever happens happens” He said before looking away once more. He didn’t know what to expect, but if people were going to the island, he was going to go too. For the chance to simply know… [hr][hr] Jarvis frowned, looking down at the teleportation lacrima. He gave them to all the guild members, so they could return easily, or get out of trouble if they needed it. Why would Mithera return it, if she were not here? Had something happened to her? Flicking a glance to Amelia to make sure that she was okay, he brought his attention back to Royse, “Why? What has happened to her?” He asked, fully expecting the worse, although hoping for something better than death. “As for the dragons, it is not a quest, but a mission with the other guilds to find the source of the recent disasters. Dragons are just… secondary” He explained, still frowning, waiting for an answer. [hr][hr] “Perhaps it is only a fools errand to a fool” Sasha replied mildly, “Fools errand or not, it is mine. And any help is appreciated” She wasn’t too sure what to make of this fellow, but… she knew it could be dangerous there, and the more people, the safer it would be. Theoretically. “We all have our reasons, and… I’m sure we will all find answers there” Sasha watched him go, suddenly a little unsure. As he went to her journals, she was suddenly self-conscious. She didn’t particularly know why, but suddenly it seemed important that all her research would amount to something. She turned away, frowning, glancing to lazarus, before letting her gaze slip to Trinity, and the Dragon Fang member that was there. They’d have to leave soon, whether or not everyone who wanted to go was there. She let her gaze wander the guild hall, wondering how long it would be before she returned. Falling silent, Sasha wrapped her arms around herself. [hr][hr] Patrick watched Ferrin, following the older man as he left the guild hall, staying far enough back to give him privacy for the moment. Patrick leaned against a wall when Ferrin appeared deep in thought. Watching him for a time, Patrick let his own thoughts drift. To when he was a child, before coming back in time. The memories brought a small smile to his youthful features, and it was more then clear that he was barely more than a child as it was. Until you looked into his eyes. Pushing off from the wall, Patrick started towards Ferrin, ”You appear to be deep in thought” [@Crimson Raven][@t2wave][@Lunarlors34][@Noodles][@CirusArvennicus]