[center][color=yellow][h3]Lunalel Lightsword[/h3][/color][/center] [color=yellow]"Ahh, well, I don't know if you can really put any... Uhhh, 'intelligent' clothes on. I think your claws would make that difficult."[/color] Luna said, wanting to ground the dragon's head a bit. It was nice to be happy and want things, but it was good to take a step back and think about it a bit. [color=yellow]"I'll get your glasses for now, if you want."[/color] Without lenses of course. She had perfect eyesight it seemed already. [color=yellow]"Instead though, I think you should think about it. Intelligence has nothing to do with the clothes you wear or the accessories you attach. But, why do you want to seem so intelligent?"[/color] Luna asked, with a hint of curiosity in her voice. [center][color=green][h3]Katherine Lindall[/h3][/color][/center] [color=green]"Yes, I am rather irritated by those words of yours."[/color] Katherine said, sounding slightly irritated. [color=green]"These are the most adorable vessels for lost souls you have ever seen. Hardly a desecration."[/color] She was teasing. She tried to make it fairly obvious. Then she looked a bit more serious, as a serious conversation deserved it. [color=green]"You can think of these little ones as the ones that couldn't pass. I don't force them to do anything except accept the body I give them. If you want a true desecration, then perhaps you should find that adoptive father of my."[/color] She seemed irritated by even mentioning the man. The woman took a sigh and spoke again. [color=green]"Anyways, I'm not stopping them from separating from that body if they desire, they need just ask. If they decide they can pass on they're free."[/color] Well, it probably wouldn't matter much to this woman. [color=green]"But forget that. You are from Egypt I take it?"[/color] [color=tan][h3][center]Kozue Komichi[/center][/h3][/color] Of course. Demons were to be so prideful weren't they? [color=tan]"Very well."[/color] Kozue said, putting her hands together with open palms and bowing. [color=tan]"To the winner."[/color] Since the demon offered her the first move, she should gladly accept. It seemed as though she hardly moved a muscle. The only real sign that she had moved physically instead of teleporting was the gust of wind that trailed behind her as she appeared in front of Marie. In the same motion, her hand moved down and aimed at the demon's stomach at an attempt to wind Marie. From there, she raised her elbow quickly and struck at the demon's face. [color=b22222][h3][center]Solana Lightsword[/center][/h3][/color] Sol woke up, warm in Sorcha's grasp. She was pretty tired earlier, but this little nap was a lot more than she expected. She felt mostly refreshed from the nap pulled while pulled close to her dragon friend. [color=b22222]"Sorcha...?"[/color] She said, quickly finding the dragon was one of the warmest blankets she had ever had the pleasure of being with. She was asleep still. Sad, but the dragon could sleep a bit more. Sol gave Sorcha a light hug and then slipped out of bed. Maoin left it seemed. She wasn't in sight though there was a note... Yep, the cat was gone for now. Food... Soup... Setting... 3? What in the blazes was setting 3? [color=b22222]"I, uhhh, guess it's a cook thing?"[/color] Sol said, confused by the meaning of the phrase. She just set the note down. She was hungry, but this was more than enough for her not to want to. Perhaps Sorcha knew it when she woke up. Too bad she never asked the servants to show her how to cook in either her old home nor the Lightsword. Something caught her eye though... [color=b22222]"A spider?"[/color] She said, noticing a small spider creeping it's way down from the ceiling on a web, as spiders are wont to do. She put her hand out and let the small thing land on her hand. It was rather cute, as far as little creepy crawlies went. It didn't seem dangerous at all. It just looked up at Sol... Studying her, making sure she wasn't planning to turn it into a meal. [color=b22222]"You're a cute little thing. I should call you Arachne. Nonono. That's too obvious. How about Ariadne? Maybe you can make me some thread that can lead me back home one day."