[@Burning Kitty] Discovery is... Complicated. It's canon, whilst not being canon. The official response for Discovery's canonicity is "It is canon, but it has no baring on the rest of the Prime Timeline" Because Discovery's backstage was a mess, going through multiple writing teams, each of which pulled it in a different direction. Discovery only makes sense if it is non-canon. I mean, unless something happens that turns all of the Klingons back into their [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/0/0b/Klingon_3_variants.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20081213040330&path-prefix=en]old selves[/url], wipes out all references to the Spore Drive, explains why a Starship had a holodeck about 100 years before they were invented and numerous other problems. Point is, I like Discovery as an Elseworlds story, or a continuation of the Kelvin timeline, but I refuse to accept that it's Prime Timeline canon, because it is a square peg that they are trying to force into a hexagonal hole.