[b][color=92278f][h2][centre]Alya "Nez" Nunez[/centre][/h2][/color][/b] Ayla nodded quickly yet firmly when the waitress ‘told’ her to be a little patient with her. She wouldn’t admit it, but she would never take on a job as a waitress herself. Too many rude customers and everyone demanding her attention at once. In all fairness, she asked for the waitress to come over too, so maybe she wasn’t much better than any other customer. Heck, she probably would get annoyed if she herself was said customer and waitress. Not having even mentioned the constant walking around and always being polite to everyone – even the bottom-of-the-barrel types -. Even if it was only code for the waitress, she would still be impressed. Suddenly the waitress stood before her table. [color=4286f4][b]”Good evening miss, how may I be of assistance?”[/b][/color] For a few moments Nez just looked at her, not really sure what to say. She waved her over for conversation, seeing if she was just code or more than that, but having the woman stand in front of her, she hesitated to ask her. Instead she opted to ask her something else entirely. [color=92278f][b]”Good evening.”[/b][/color] she began and gave a warm smile to the android. [color=92278f][b]”I was wondering if ehrm.. If…If I could get the bill. For my drink.” [/b][/color] She knew that wasn’t the complete truth. Of course she had to pay for it - she was going to pay for it -, but she didn’t ask the waitress what she wanted to ask. First of all it would seem rude, and secondly if she ever got asked that question, she would kick that person right where it hurts the most. The waitress didn’t seem like the type and would probably either deny or answer it politely – if she had the time -, but Nez kept quiet. Hypocrisy wasn’t what she wanted to be known for. She’d find out eventually. Not that it mattered much, but it was always one of those things that came into her mind every time she spotted an android. [color=92278f][b]”I like to pay upfront in case I suddenly have to leave. I won’t be having more drinks anyways so I’d like to pay right away.”[/b][/color] She gave the waitress another warm smile and stirred her beverage once more. [color=92278f][b]”Thank you.[/b][/color] She quickly added after a moment and looked around a little. The waitress had just visited another table with 3 ‘people’ in it. [color=92278f][b]You’re excused, by the way.[/b][/color] she said, not really knowing if the waitress was still there or not, her eyes wandering around the bar. Her eyes landed on a booth with a familiar face. She tried to focus on the shape and sure enough, she could see who it was. It was Effie. She had spoken with such enthusiasm towards the waitress that Ayla really wondered what made her act that way. Unfortunately, the bar was so crowded and the music was so loud that she couldn’t pick up on what the blonde was saying. Suddenly, as if hit with a wave of curiosity, she stood up, grabbed the beverage and made her way over to where Effie was sitting. [color=92278f][b]“Hey.”[/b][/color] She began and sat down across from her. [color=92278f][b]“Saw you speaking to the waitress just then. What was that all about? It seemed like you were about to explode with enthusiasm.” [/b][/color]She asked the lady. [color=92278f][b]“And embarrassment.”[/b][/color] She quickly added.