[center][h2][color=khaki]Angel[/color] - Warehouse[/h2][@Spiffy][@Xandrya][@Gardevoiran][@solokolos][@Old Amsterdam][@Eklispe][/center] Things were getting a tad more hectic than Angel had expected. After her initial clach with the armed men she had identified them as Highlanders. It wasn't a group she was super familiar with but knew of through her old connections with her gang. Had to know about the other players in the city in case they ran into each other. From the chatter going on none of the parahumans present seemed to be part of the Highlanders. The aforementioned were getting their buts handed to them as more and more people showed up. All of them were unknowns to her. At least one of them, the woman she'd seen outside and seemed to be generating strands, had no intention of fighting her. Thank goodness. There was enough to contend with seeing as two others had plowed their way into the warehouse. The entrance was less of an interest to her than what was said. A group called Lethal Force was here? That name didn't really sit well with her and supposedly they'd left this girl to die. As if to drive the point home a gun went off. Whirling around Angel saw Farce lowering her revolver. Following the general path where the bullet had gone she spotted the man that had fallen dead. Making another scan of the room it had to be assumed that everyone present with a gun was either Highlander or Lethal Force, neither seemed to have qualms with killing. The exception was maybe Zach who had fired into the air several times now, but the accusation of the new girl had been directed toward him. Since the ones above were distracted she turned toward Farce. She was momentarily distracted by people still trying to hold onto the warehouse. She wasn't sure what show of force the other parahumans here had but it didn't seem to have been enough to scatter everyone. The string woman seemed to want to punish the bad men but Angel didn't really care.[color=khaki]"Let me make this abundantly clear!"[/color] Spreading her wings the halo above her lit up. It was more for flare than anything to draw attention to her. Reaching down she grabbed the edge of a flatbed cart with a crate on it. Lifting from one end the crate clattered to the ground. Swinging her arm she tossed the cart across the room like a toy in the direction of some Highlanders. She purposely aimed to one side and the metal object wrapped around one of the supports before it fell to the floor in a folded mess of twisted metal. The sound it made echoed through the structure as it rattled. Dust shook loose throughout and drifted down. With a firm expression the woman took a step in the gang's direction. Her footfalls were much heavier than her light frame suggested. Taking hold of another object she began to lift. [color=khaki]"Get out."[/color] Before she had the chance to do anything else they ran to avoid being shot, beaten, mangled or murdered by a gun or flying object. Satisfied with that reaction the angel stopped and turned her attention again to those that remained. Pointing a finger at the gun in Farce's hand she motioned to drop it. [color=khaki]"Couldn't help but notice the trouble you're making. Lethal Force was it? I hope you have a good reason for what you're doing here."[/color] She rather casually placed her hands on her hips and waited for an answer. Perhaps if she was more experienced with the cape scene she would have taken a more guarded stance. But she as of yet hadn't run into many others that had hurt her in any meaningful way. This was also a much more confident and less threatening approach. A non-violent resolution was preferred if at all possible.