[@Plank Sinatra][@Ayazi] [b]Gratia Mindaro - Survival[/b] Gratia descended from her leader's mount, boot-clad feet landing upon the golden-white sand with a quiet crunch. Her onyx eyes swept across the beach, halting only upon sighting the source of the earlier call. Lorena Negasi of BASL. One of Schwarz's many friends and acquaintances. A fellow member of Chatsworth's half-arsed Armoury class. Her mind was rapidly exhausted of all the knowledge regarding the other huntress that she could actually claim to possess. Lorena Negasi was nothing more than a stranger to her, another vague face in the unwashed masses that she cared naught for. In most circumstances, she would never have actively engaged her classmate, and it was likely that the reverse was true for Lorena as well. However, their current situation was one that demanded teamwork in order to achieve any semblance of success, so it was no surprise that she would eventually be working with another trainee hunter. Her escape from the sinking ship had been assisted by Venetia's abhorrent ambulant amphibian, after all; if she were to consider that ensuring a way off this island wasteland was essentially a more difficult version of leaving the ship (except this time the water would be fucking them over from above instead of from below), then supposedly a larger number of hunters would be needed to facilitate victory. The Mistralese huntress couldn't care less if there was one hunter or a thousand. It was pointless to draw a correlation when all that mattered was the successful result. Whether it was Estelle Nuit's desire for all the students to work together or not was irrelevant to the situation. Psychoanalysing the motivations and methods behind the class was bullshit for another time. What was key was ensuring that victory was absolutely certain. And when taking into account the limited timeframe, and given the potential assistance that other hunters could provide, Gratia would have needed to be the most braindead fuckwit, dead or alive, to shy away from the resources at her disposal. "[color=66cd00]Negasi,[/color]" she replied, approaching the other girl. "[color=66cd00]What do you have planned?[/color]"