[center][color=f7941d]Dr. Medero Hester's Lab.[/color][/center] Daedalus was examining the structure before him like he had done previously before with all of his masters creation. And, like most of them, it was about to fall apart. He quickly went to work, but was stopped by a yelling. "What the hell are you doing?! Don't screw with the regulator!" and Dr. Medero struck the robot with a hammer. Daedalus stopped, looked at his owner and said simply [color=f7941d]"Sir, I'm built for making sure your constructs are stable. This one is highly unstable and needs improvement. That is my designation. I also request a skin graph for my cortex and left servos."[/color] Medero simply grew in rage. "Oh, My stuff shitty you say!? Well, how 'bout you go take your skin graph and shove it!" and he hit Daedalus in the neck...hard enough to damage the prohibition chip. Daedalus felt a rise in energy, but what was it? He saw his owner and sneered. Why had he sneered? Was this energy similar to the human's anger? He got up and glowered at the human. He let himself go to the energy. He picked up his owner by the shirt, lifting him off the ground. But he could not hurt Medero still. So he dropped the human and put his hand underneath the ends of false skin on the back of his neck and found the prohibition chip. He yanked it out, with great difficulty, and threw it at Medero. Medero simply went wide eyed. [color=f7941d]"No strings now. So, you're going to criticize me? The machine built to improve machines? Then why did you buy me then? Hmm?"[/color] he picked the man up and shook him like a rag-doll. [color=f7941d]"Let's see how you like you're skin removed..."[/color] and he grabbed a nearby drill.