[color=00aeef][/color]Jax opened her eyes slowly feeling a warmth surrounding her. This was the third time she had woken up beside Morthos but something felt different. She looked at his sleeping face for a few minutes before pulling away from him. She left the bed and headed into the bathroom shutting the door lightly behind her. After finishing her morning business, she took a good look in the mirror, her expression slightly reserved, and a little angry. She shook her head her eyes turning towards the door again. She paused taking a minute to collect herself before she walked out making her way towards the outer door leaving Morthos to his slumber. She walked over to her room and banged on the door violently with the side of her fist, "[color=39b54a]Alright lovebirds let me in. I'm out here in a damn shirt.[/color]" Ophelia got up out of bed, awake since she didn’t need to sleep. She was wearing a simple, elegant pair of pajamas that she had changed into after Roxas had fallen asleep. Jax was banging on the door, and Ophelia felt annoyed at the violence of it. She rolled her eyes. “[color=00aeef]Don’t need to be so rude about it, Jax.[/color]” She said, looking at her sister with her eyebrow raised. “[color=00aeef]Some of us are asleep still.[/color]” Jax walked past Ophelia quickly her expression slightly annoyed herself as she moved to her bag, pulling out some clothes, “[color=39b54a]Sorry. I just needed to get out of there. You shouldn’t have done that last night.[/color]” She dug through her bag pulling out a black shirt and some fresh jeans before she turned back to her sister, “[color=39b54a]Why did you do it anyway. For you or for me?[/color]” Ophelia stared at Jax in annoyance at her arrogance, her already dark eyes darkening even more as she stood before her twin. “[color=00aeef]I heard what Dad said to you last night. I never tried to pry or force you to tell me what happened Jax. But something did, and I know that you aren’t okay because of it. And I did it because you need to stop acting like everything is fine and dandy, and especially stop playing Morthos for a fool. He cares about you so much it’s almost sickening, yet you refuse to even accept that he might actually be good for you. You needed to talk to him if you weren’t going to talk to me.[/color]” Her emotions were running high, and her eyes stung with the threat of tears. She just wanted her sister to be okay. The things that happened to Ophelia she could deal with, but she knew what happened to Jax had to have been worse. Or at least that’s how it seemed. “[color=6ecff6]You don’t need to charade around me… I love you for who and what you are. I just wish you’d let the barrier down…[/color]” She watched Jax’s expression closely, unsure whether her comments would anger her, or if she would react differently. Jax looked over at Ophelia the anger and annoyance being removed by exhaustion and slight pain. She shook her head before speaking slowly, “[color=39b54a]I know you care about me and you worry. I worry about you just as much but I can’t tell you or Morthos what happened. It was horrible Ophelia, and the only reason I got through it in the first place was by being strong, by myself.[/color]” She looked straight at her sister, “[color=39b54a]I have four years before the darkness either kills me or I find the strongest mythic to give myself over to. Morthos doesn’t care like I do about power or strength. He doesn’t want it like I do. The ambition isn’t there. Tell me honestly… do you think he will be strong enough to push me to S level[/color]?” “[color=00aeef]You haven’t even given him a chance Jax. You’re using him as a plaything. It’s fucking wrong, you know it, I know it. Even he knows it. You won’t ever know unless you try.[/color]” Ophelia was pissed at this point, the way Jax was talking was ridiculous. She never understood and wouldn’t understand if Jax refused to tell her anything. She stared at Jax again, “[color=00aeef]If you don’t even want to give him a chance, then tell him straight up to fuck off. If he isn’t worth your time, give him the green light to move the hell on. Don’t be so damn selfish… I know deep down inside you, if someone used you the way you do to others, you’d be bent out of shape.[/color]” For a brief moment Jax looked like she was going to rage then she continued to listen her eyes turning sad. She took a step back, tears threatening to fall, “[color=39b54a]You’re right.[/color]” She clenched the clothes tightly, “[color=39b54a]I’m just being selfish and cruel. You are completely right. I am just doing to him what I did to Eric.[/color]” She stiffened looking straight at her sister with cold eyes, “[color=39b54a]I’m going to end it. I’m going to tell him that it’s not going to work and encourage him to find someone else. I was an idiot for thinking I could have it both ways. Thank you. Honestly...I needed to hear that.[/color]” Ophelia’s eyes widened slightly, unsure how to respond at first and her brows then furrowed together. She took a step toward her sister, her voice sounding gentle, trying to reason. “[color=00aeef]That’s not what I meant… You’ll regret it if you do that… I know you care about Morthos, Jax. Just give him a chance…[/color]” She wanted to see Jax happy. And she could feel the tension and emotion between Jax and Morthos sometimes when they let their guards down. Jax was stubborn though, and probably wouldn’t listen anymore, but it was worth trying. Jax gave her sister a small smile, “[color=39b54a]I do care about him. I possibly even love him maybe...but I care more about being strong then I do about love. I forgot that.[/color]” She walked over to her sister and gave her a soft hug, “[color=39b54a]I’m going to be fine. He is going to be fine. We aren’t even dating anyways. I won’t hurt him this way. It’s for the better. I can see that now.[/color]” “[color=00aeef]I don’t believe you. And it sounds more like you’re trying to convince you, and not me.[/color]” Ophelia stated, hugging Jax back slightly, though feeling disappointed in her sister. “[color=00aeef]I might not know very much, but I do know some things. I think you’re making the wrong choice. But I will still support you because I love you.[/color]” Ophelia reached up, wiping at her eyes. She glances over for a moment, making sure that Roxas was still asleep, which he was. He was probably exhausted anyway from the day before. Jax hugged her, “[color=39b54a]One day...when I am ready. I will tell you what happened. I’m just… not ready. Also don’t worry about me. If I am tough enough to survive Hell, I am tough enough to survive a breakup. Even though it’s going to hurt like a bitch.[/color]” She watched as Ophelia looked over to Roxas and she put on a disheartened giggle, “[color=39b54a]Sleeping beauty eh? You really know how to pick them to don’t you?[/color]” She looked over at Roxas again and then nodded slightly, feeling sad. “[color=00aeef]I’m so tired. I just wish I could sleep when he does. But anyway, what time do we leave?[/color]” “[color=39b54a]In an hour or so. You should talk to mom about being tired though. I don’t know enough about vampires to tell if that’s a good or a bad sign. Anyway, I should probably get back to… Morthos. I will see you downstairs in the lobby in an hour. Tell Roxas to bring my shit down and I will do the same for him. Also, don’t let him forget my weights.[/color]” She rubbed her sister’s hair, before giving her one last hug before heading back to the room with Morthos. She walked in solemnly noting that he was awake. She cranked up her confident cocky smile that didn’t reach her eyes, “[color=39b54a]Hey. We need to talk.[/color]”