[center][color=dodgerblue][h2]Alex[/h2][/color] [i]Infirmary[/i] [/center] Alex turned as he noticed Miss Drow behind him. The flickering lights should probably have been his first indication that she was there, but he had been busy trying to get the ink off. [color=dodgerblue]"Yes, ma'am. I'm alright."[/color] He bowed a little bit, an apologetic look on his face. He took the note that excused him from missing classes and smiled, thanking her. He had missed at least homeroom and gym, so this would probably come in handy. At least he had a legitimate excuse. Still, he felt bad for missing the class because of his own foolishness. [color=dodgerblue]"I'm sorry for passing out. I know I overdid it, but I wasn't actually sure what my limits were. It's been...a while since I've had the courage to push myself that far. I hate to admit it, but I've been scared of losing control for so long that I never came close. I'm not trying to make excuses, I'm just trying to explain so that you wont be too displeased with me. I want to keep training with you in the afternoons, if you will let me. For some reason it feels, easier, to let my power out a little more. I want to keep learning and improving, as long as your willing to keep teaching me, that is. I know I caused you a lot of trouble, so if you don't want to I understand."[/color] He said honestly. He couldn't blame her if she didn't want to keep teaching him after all of the trouble he had caused her. But he really did want to get better. He wish he could read her face though, her face was always so blank for some reason. It didn't really bother him, but it did make social interactions a bit more difficult. [hr] [i][center]4:00 pm - Underground.[/center][/i] Alex looked around at the people who had been called in his group. It would be interesting to see what this was all about. He looked around at the sunken zones with interest, wondering what they would be used. This looked like some kind of testing ground. After he had missed gym he was a little excited to see what was going to happen here. He was sad that he had missed out on gym because of his own stupidity. Although he wasn't sure how he would have participated anyways. That much metal would have been a pain for him. Alex spotted Professor Manilow and and the headmaster, talking about something that Alex couldn't hear. Then he spotted Bhu sitting on a stone bench not that far away. He waved a little at her and hesitated a moment before walking over and sitting next to her. [color=dodgerblue]"Hey. I heard gym class got interesting earlier."[/color] He said with a little smile. [@Sailorsadie][@liferusher]