Williams entered the engineering bay with a few careful steps, both his eyes and sesnors scanning the surrounding for any traces of their visitor. Apart from the still smoking remains of the melted machinery, the room seemed empty. He really hoped that this alien thing died, for the sake of him and the other crewmembers, but there was also a small childish part in him that hoped the opposite. But it seemed like today was not the day that his luck ran out. Williams took a sharp corner and finally arrived to the location where he chased the black goo into the vents. When he saw the unmvoing body mass, his first reactin was to fire several shots into the thing from his pistol and jump back the way he came. After a few seconds he felt safe enough to peek out yet again, his guns aimed at the thing. The bullets holes left clear marks in the goo, but there wasn't any smoke coming from it's body. Williams took a step closer, and aimed his visual sensors on the goo. After a few seconds, the helmet released a light chime and the alien was marked as "deceased". Williams was more relieved than when he succesfully graduated. Holstering his pistol, he took a few steps closer to the dead goo and poked it with the end of his boots. Despite being a stupid idea to begin with, the dead carcass didn't instantly melt through his boots and simply jiggled a bit from the shock. Whatever it was, it couldn't handle military grade nerve gas designed to take down aliens ten times it's size. Noting down the effectiveness of the nerve agent in his mind for future uses, Williams contacted Flynn via the intercomm. "The gas did the trick. How's the ship systems coming along?" He took a quick look at the tactical map, and saw the ship pinging iT's location via the emergency beacon. "I am guessing the emergency beacon isn't turned on for the fun of it?"