[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/61bbb896-d6fe-45f1-98e0-2d55bb97820f.png[/img][/center] Kat jerked awake as her alarm started it’s song of death at 7am. Angrily swatting at the stop button, she felt a frown grace her forehead as she closed her eyes for her ritual five more minutes. That is, before she realized what today was. [i][color=2E8B57] ****! ****! Today’s the first day of S.P.I.G.A! [/color][/i] Immediately her eyes flew open and she bounded out of bed. Always the last to wake up in a family full of morning people, she was used to rushing for school. But here, school started at 8:30. As such, even if she conserved her energy till 7:15, she would still have plenty of time before school started. Opening her blinds she quickly made her bed and packed her bag for the day. She figured that they would probably have practical training sometime today and so she grabbed her small [url=https://n.nordstrommedia.com/ImageGallery/store/product/Zoom/12/_101619252.jpg?crop=pad&pad_color=FFF&format=jpeg&trim=color&trimcolor=FFF&w=780&h=838&dpr=2&quality=60] gym bag [/url]. Placing her [url=https://www.adidas.com/dis/dw/image/v2/aaqx_prd/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-adidas-products/en_US/dwc486f2ec/zoom/CG3467_01_standard.jpg?sw=840&sh=840&strip=false] sport shoes[/url] in the shoe bag, she ruffled through her sports clothes and tossed in her [url=http://www.asoutherndrawl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/lululemon-align-pant-9.jpg] olive-green leggings, a strappy black sports bra and a random shirt [/url]. She grabbed her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/09/a0/e8/09a0e8d8a82f47ea4d621cc39692c68d.jpg] backpack [/url] and slipped her laptop, notebook, calculator and school supplies inside before she stood in front of her mirror cache. She wasn’t quite sure whether she was allowed to wear her gun holster and carry them concealed so she simply pushed Pixie and one of her Glocks into holsters she placed them in her gym bag, after ensuring the safety was on of course. [b][color=red]” The time is now 7:15.”[/color][/b] Kat damn-near jumped out of her skin as the voice emanated from out of nowhere. [b][color=2E8B57] “Thank you… house?”[/color][/b] she called, uncertain whether or not she needed to respond. [b][color=red]” You are welcome, Kat.”[/color][/b] the house responded. Intrigued by her discovery, Kat quickly jumped into the shower and pulled on her uniform. She’d paired her shirt, white blazer, and skirt with some matt-black pantyhouse and her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/44/60/7b44604a73b2f8c337cc819ab3a17b72.jpg] white and brown Oxford shoes [/url]. Looking at the time she saw that she had a little over an hour before school started. Her hair had once more regained its original state, [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/7271/f/2017/322/2/b/_02__tashi_rodriguez_by_flashingallen-dbu5lod.jpg] curly with a chance at madness [/url] but Kat was too lazy to straighten it. Makeup usually followed the same mentality. Sometimes she would put in the effort but most days, like today, she went barefaced. Just as she was coming down the stairs she saw Devin, looking like he’d just gone out for a morning run. [i][color=2E8B57] Damn. That’s dedication, [/color][/i] she thought as she waved good morning at him. He looked surprisingly good after a run and as much as Kat wanted to say to start a conversation, she needed her morning coffee before she could function. Nodding at the others in the room she made a beeline straight for the coffee press she has spotted earlier and put in her TOESTO Merida beans in the press. She placed her bags on a corner of the table as she went about her usual morning routine. Taken from her favorite supplier in Venezuela, the sweet, invigorating smell was just what she needed to jumpstart her day. Grabbing a mug, she dashed two teaspoons of sugar inside before pouring the coffee in and taking an appreciative sip. Feeling more away she turned to the others and smiled sheepishly. [b][color=2E8B57] “Sorry… I need my coffee before any interactions otherwise I become a monotone robot. [/color][/b] Spotting a new girl she waved at her before introducing herself, [b][color=2E8B57] “Hi! I’m Kat. What’s your name?”[/color][/b] As her powers of observation slowly filtered back in she noticed the sheaf of paper on the table and quickly scan through the contents. [i][color=2E8B57] So when was lunch?[/color][/i] she thought as she made herself some breakfast. Cracking some eggs onto the pan and picking up a slice of bread to toast she asked everyone if they wanted something. She didn’t mind cooking and they had a lot of time left before school so she wasn’t really pressed for time.