Avaline [hr] [b]"Ah...!"[/b] Avaline scoffed, seemingly offended by the question. [b]"I do not seem intelligent, I am!"[/b] She confidently proclaimed, smugly grinning at Luna. Obviously, as a dragon she was inherently smarter than these humans and as such she had to look the part. Or at least, she would like to think she was. She knew she wasn't the smartest person out there, but...well, it made her feel better to at least try to be such. [b]"Hmm...but you are right,"[/b] She held a hand up to her face, wiggling her claws in front of her eyes. [b]"It would be difficult to wear clothing over these things..."[/b] Her shoulders drooped a bit, looking over to Luna with a small pout, as if trying to think of something else to do. Truthfully, she didn't want to return to the dorm. The other dragon scared her a bit and she would have liked to remain out with Luna as long as she could. Livia [hr] [color=bc8dbf]"You...didn't like her?"[/color] Now that was odd. Livia half expected the opposite, if what she was assuming was correct. Still, a surprise was a surprise and she pursed her lips, humming in thought as she placed a teacup on her desk. [color=bc8dbf]"Well, now that is a little surprising, Fia."[/color] She chuckled. [color=bc8dbf]"But no matter...she'll likely not trouble you further at least. More on the topic of Cynthia, yes I wanted to speak with you about that."[/color] Livia got up from her seat, walking over to the redhead and ruffling her hair a bit as she gave her a warm smile. [color=bc8dbf]"I know I've been rather lax with the way you ask favors from Cynthia,"[/color] She began, kneeling down to Fia's level. [color=bc8dbf]"But Cynthia has a lot of other duties to attend to other than giving you a bath every day. You can start doing that yourself."[/color] Her tone was serious and stern, but not hostile or scolding. [color=bc8dbf]"She's been getting a little behind on her own work because of her doing favors for you...that said,"[/color] She stood, starting to walk towards the door and motioning for Fia to follow. [color=bc8dbf]"I certainly wouldn't mind assigning another maid to help with this sort of thing."[/color] Chione [hr] [b]"Aha...sorry,"[/b] Chione did truthfully apologize. [b]"If it's any consolation, they are extremely well crafted. You've put a lot of effort into them. Such finely crafted dolls would make the old artisans jealous."[/b] She chuckled, shaking her head as if recalling something but pushed the thought from her head. [b]"But yes, I am from the sands. Egypt, as you call it these days. Well, not the current place mind you. I was sleeping for a very long time until recently. It seems there is a problem I am being called to resolve, though I won't trouble you with the details."[/b] Chione continued, not commenting further on the problem in question. It was quite likely she was going to be mute on that subject for a reason.[b] "I must say though it is quite cold in this land of yours. The sun is hidden by clouds and this...'fall' is quite uncomfortable for one lightly dressed as I."[/b] She shivered lightly as she said that. Celine & Marie [hr] Marie did not have time to react. Kozue's strike landed square in her stomach, her eyes widening with simply how fast the human had moved. In the next instant, she felt pain in her jaw, stumbling backwards and falling flat on her back as the air left her lungs. Ugh, damn...that might have been speed enough to rival one of the seats of Hell...how was a human capable of that. Urgh, Marie rolled over, quickly catching her breath and pushing herself to her hands. [color=6ecff6]"Huh. I actually expected more. Are you just all talk, demon?"[/color] Celine chided from the sidelines. [color=silver]"Urgh,"[/color] Marie wiped some dirt from the side of her face, snarling as she stood up. [color=silver]"Fine, human."[/color] She gave Kozue a cold glare. [color=silver]"You've surprised me. Fine, I'll grant you a sight that most humans don't deserve. I only have one of my spears, but that's all I need for you!"[/color] Pure, white light filled her closed fist, energy swirling as a spear of white unholy light formed in her hand. Marie dashed forward, though nowhere near as fast as Kozue, and thrust the spear forwards. Cocoa [hr] [b]"Ah, yes Otille!"[/b] Coacoa hopped off the human, smiling happily as she reached for the clothes and attempted to put them on. Putting on clothing might be ehm, inconvenient for her but since Otille asked, she'd do it! No need for her not too, after all! After a few seconds of struggling with them, she finally succeeded. It at least gave the human long enough to stand up and likely catch her breath, but the cow didn't give Otille long. As soon as she had the clothing on, she was already now cuddling the human again, wrapping the human in an almost inescapably tight hug and pressing Otille's face against her chest and giggling happily. [b]"Eee, I can't believe you asked Otille! Ohmygosh this is great and amazing I'm so glad you bought me with you!"[/b] It seemed she was happy with this arrangement at least. Ariadne [hr] The dragon yawned loudly as Sol got off of her, rolling over in the bed again and wrapping herself up as good in the blankets as a dragon could get. All she did was mutter lightly to herself and otherwise ignore Sol as she went to inspect the note Maoin had left. The spider on Sol's hand in question, didn't respond much as spiders usually do. At first, it seemed like it was scared, as if the human was going to hurt it. It was a spider after all, so it wasn't exactly a predator, and it didn't even have any venom! Still, when Sol spoke to it, it stopped walking, staring up at the human with a look that almost seemed curious. It definitely didn't seem hostile to Sol, at least. In fact, it seemed a little helpful, if such a thing was even possible. It skittered across Sol's hand, attaching a loose thread of webbing and quickly scaling down her hand to the floor before skittering across it and up to the note that Maoin had left.