[quote=@DarkwolfX37] Your advice is invaluable. :P [hider=Profile Report] Name: 紫菀 (Shion) (No last name) Nickname/Alias: Fourth Age: Unknown, presumed 13 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]https://static.zerochan.net/Enomoto.Takane.full.1653227.jpg[/img] Biography: Much of Shion's past is unknown due to various circumstances beyond our control. However, what we have been able to piece together of her early life indicates that it is highly likely that she was a subject of an experiment similar to that of the Dark May Project. While no records exist of such a project, there is evidence to support this theory. What records of her life do exist show that she was a Child Error who was found alone by members of Judgement in District 19 at the presumed age of five. Simple testing showed that she had a much higher than average knowledge base for someone her age and that she has the barest hint of an ability. Interviews with the girl revealed that she had few memories leading up to her being found, and what she did remember strongly supports the theory that she was experimented on by an unknown group within Academy City. According to the reports filed on the incident, she was found wearing a broken electronic bracelet baring the number four on its face and with what appeared to be a broken IV needle on its opposite side. After being discovered her background check was unable to reveal any familial information, leading her to be placed under the care of an orphanage for several years. While there her ability slowly developed to the point that it was noticed by the caretakers and she began basic testing for the purpose of discovering and improving her ability. During her time at the orphanage she was able to quickly learn whatever she was taught with the sole exception of history, which she seemed to have no end of trouble with. Her precociousness led her to partially learning and then abandoning several instruments that the orphanage has available for their older charges. By age eight she had found herself helping the caretakers with the younger children, something that they greatly appreciated and began paying her small amounts for. According to them, the only two items she ever bought were a portable music player and a pair of headphones. At age eleven, despite being a Child Error with only a year of attendance at formal education and being a year too young to officially do so, she successfully passed the entrance exam for Kirigaoka Girls' Academy. This year her official rank was raised to Level 2 due to her performance is the System Scan and marks her first year at Kirigaoka Girls' Academy in District 18. She is only able to attend due to a rather generous scholarship she received upon the Academy's discovery of her System Scan results, as well as a nearly perfect score on the entrance exam. She quickly obtained the title of "Fourth" due to a combination of her KGA Level Ranking, her name, and the fact that she told the story of how she was found when introducing herself in class. While it is used both affectionately and maliciously by many of her fellow students, she has no particular opinion on the name. Personality: Shion is something of a mixed bag of emotions. While she has no-one that she would call a "friend," there are several girls in her class who consider her one and each of them know exactly when to avoid interacting with her moodiness. The most obvious facets of her personality are her strange sense of humor and her tendency to either be extremely extroverted or, more commonly, extremely introverted and reflective. She is slow to anger when provoked but will easily fly into a rage at her own inner thoughts, and though this is rarely directed at anyone in particular, any who cross her path too closely at such a time will find themselves a target. Due to her stunted youth and frantic childhood she has few truly applicable social skills. One could surmise her general attitude as "somewhat cranky," a fact not helped by her unusual sleep schedule. She often stays up well past any reasonable hour of night listening to or writing music. She has a somewhat unhealthy obsession with snakes and an equally unhealthy hatred of insects which have only grown with time. Given the chance she would gladly spend her days in the company of as many snakes as physically possible, simply watching them in their day to day lives. A possible cause of these obsessions is that at age ten she was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which manifests itself as many odd quirks and a irrational fear of dirt and grime. Esper Power: Cryokinesis, coded under "Ice Age." Academy City rating Level 2; KGA rating Level 4. Removal of heat energy from an area and generation of frozen material. (Most often run of the mill ice.) The process by which this happens is still undergoing study as the ability develops. Unlike standard cryokinesis, frozen material is not only created from the surrounding elements, but also often seemingly appears from nothing. The only material generated entirely not from surrounding material seems to be H2O ice. Studies of the ability's effect on heat energy have resulted in both dispersion and removal of heat from the closed system of the testing environment. This ability has a strong tend to shift from more easily altering heat within an area to more quickly and solidly generating frozen material when Shion is placed under duress. In such situations the tendency appears to be both rapid generation of H2O ice and the solidification of elements in the air simultaneously. Often the present elements form a sort of frame that the H2O is then built from, though this process is nearly instantaneous, further suggesting that Shion has little, if any, understanding of how her own ability actually functions. Skills: - Singing - Guitar - Intermediate survival techniques - Surprisingly potent street-fighting Extra: [hider=Additional Data] Her OCD is often a trigger of her ability's shift alongside her emotions. The more bothered she becomes, the less precise her control becomes in a somewhat vicious cycle, particularly due to the fact that one of her coping mechanisms is chilling herself. Significant resources have been allocated to the cause of her ability's growth due to a genetic potential to someday reach Level 4 or possibly Level 5. Her level is, as far as the general populace is concerned, Level 3, making it set at one higher than it would otherwise be due to the unknown factor of how the heat is removed. The possibility of an ability that can remove energy entirely from an area, perhaps bypassing entropy and several thermodynamic laws in the process, could be very valuable to the goals of SYSTEM. [/hider] [/hider] [/quote] I'm sure it's like gold to you. Not bad. I sense a bit of self-insertion there.