[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xPZoDGJ.jpg[/img] [h2][color=silver]Ferrin Astra[/color][/h2] [/center] [center][h3]Interacting with: [s]Timmy[/s] “Time Lord” [/h3][/center] [@Caits] “You appear to be deep in thought.” Ferrin didn’t turn as he heard an all too familiar voice. [color=silver]“Just wondering if the water is deep enough to drown myself in.”[/color] Ferrin said lightly. [color=silver] “You see, that would be preferable over your company.”[/color] Inwardly he winced. That had come out a little harsher then he had intended. One of these days he was going to learn not to shoot off at the mouth. Sure. One of these days. [color=silver]“So what do you want?”[/color] Ferrin said less unkindly, scratching the side his head in a sheepish manner.