[color=fff79a]"Of course. Her room is on the other end of the manor."[/color] Marise said, opening the door to her room for them, allowing them to exit. She followed shortly after, taking the lead as she bought the two to her sisters room. For the most part, the rest of the manor was quiet aside from the few maids moving about. When they arrived on the other side of the manor, they were greeted by Nynette. Charlotte, for the most part followed silently. [b]"Ah...hello, Marise."[/b] She greeted.[b] "Here to visit Livia?"[/b] [color=fff79a]"Well, these two are."[/color] Marise replied. [color=fff79a]"I have a few more things to take care of."[/color] [b]"Very well, then."[/b] Nynette knocked on the door. [b]"Young miss, Marise and the guests wish to speak with you."[/b] [hr] [color=a187be]"Yes, but you know as well as I do the inquisitors have their ways of finding non-humans. If they had simply run into one of them by chance, they would have both been hauled off to the gallows...or worse."[/color] Livia replied in her usual overly serious manner. [color=a187be]"And besides, I asked them that before I told them about the guards."[/color] The mage frowned, weighing her options. She was interested, no doubt about it. It was an opportunity of a lifetime to find such a legendary place. [color=a187be]"Ugh, I really don't want to deal with them though." [/color]Livia grumbled. [b]"Young miss, Marise and the guests wish to speak with you."[/b] Nynette opened the door, letting Charlotte and Himeko into the room. Livia glanced over, frowning. [color=fff79a]"Be nice, Livia."[/color] Marise said from the doorway, giving a friendly wave before walking away. [color=fff79a]"I have some other business to take care of."[/color] Charlotte walked into the room, frowning a bit from the darker decor compared to Marise's room. Well, it certainly was a change of decor. She couldn't say she was a fan of it, though she did appreciate the books on the shelves. [color=8493ca]"Your sister said you may know something about 'Harena'?"[/color] She asked. [color=a187be]"I know of it. Why?"[/color]