By the tulip garden the preps sat and gossiped like they always did. They acted like nothing had changed at all. Charles himself felt a bit slighted at their oblivious and nonchalant attitudes towards the situation surrounding both him and the Salt Bay Turbos as of late. His victory over the Turbos meant that he effectively controlled the school. All that he needed to do now was to exacerbate the situation with the local sheriff so as to force the curfew that he had threatened the town with. The cool breeze of the sunny early afternoon sun teased his chestnut hair as the fake laughter of his various sycophants rang hollow around him. The hollowness was not lost on Charles though but he enjoyed the admiration all the same. Sadly he couldn't help but feel that it was never enough, to his great irritation. Kimiko herself just sat there, amongst the preps, in silence. She looked as though she was in deep thought. Charles couldn't tell whether she was bothered by something or not. He was much too afraid to ask though, lest he incur either wrath or scorn. Kimiko was the first person that ever made Charles feel this way. Around everyone else he was not one to be messsed with but around Kimiko, it was a different story. Around her he was just another simpering dork. This fact simultaneously angered and intrigued him, to the point where he began to feel rather restless as of late. Charles surmised that Kimiko, with her polite and withdrawn manner, would be the type to reveal herself slowly over a period of time. No doubt such a woman would be worth the wait. In the meantime though, Charles decided that relieving his tensions with Chet in the evenings would suffice, for now. Seemingly out of nowhere, the bell rang out rather obnoxiously. Charles couldn't help but let out an irritated sigh.