Just as Felix had asked how their mission went, Travis had opened his mouth to speak but instead of hearing his own voice, he heard Nemo volunteering to do the debriefing. The Untalent was initially surprised that Nemo would decide to give Felix the full run down on what had transpired in the past several hours. Travis wouldn't have thought his Talent counterpart would even go for such a seemingly mundane task of recollecting past events; that was until he learned Nemo had apparently came well prepared for this. A deadpanned expression quickly filled Travis' face just as he witnessed Nemo producing a title card gleefully written by various sharpie pens, [i]Really?[/i], he thought. The moment seemed to dive into the realm of ridiculousness as Nemo revealed a small stage illustrating their initial landing, showcasing several puppets each resembling of the mission's participants. [i]He's really going through this isn't he?[/i] Travis covered his face with his right hand, feeling briefly dumbfounded and embarrassed to continue watching from this point on. Eventually his hand dragged downward and ended up covering his mouth, allowing him to reluctantly witness the most unnecessary puppet show that seemingly ever existed. As he expected, Nemo began summarizing their experiences in the most oversimplified and vague method he can think of. Travis continued silently watch Nemo carry out his act the best he could though found himself questioning several scenes that were either poorly elaborated on or seemed inaccurately fabricated. The awkwardness of the play suddenly and abruptly stopped momentarily as Nemo visual described Zoey's apparent demise by brutally slamming her puppet doppelganger into the table the performance took place on, smashing the tiny figure in the process and fragmenting it across the room. While he figured this was typical of Nemo's behavior, the act however pained the Untalent whom surmised that Zoey had died while protecting him from Siedon's attack, based on the display and through what he experienced. Travis looked away and tried his best to conceal his emotions from manifesting during Nemo's 'debrief'; once more he had lost another potential friend during one of these dangerous missions. Eventually, he was mostly successful in swallowing down his dismay and sorrow, only to being himself back into the fold where Nemo was reenacting their plight against Fathers Galvadon and Stockton. It wasn't long until the simulated conflict ended with the showcasing of Travis' unfortunate retrieval of the Paragon; an event he himself still felt quite livid of. To his surprise, Nemo didn't monopolize on that astounding scene with any antics he had previously covered before and quickly got to the point of them falling into the collapsing ocean where they were retrieved by Felix himself, thus concluding his play. "I think I'll volunteer for now on with filling in the blanks for Felix," Travis sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose as he still fathomed of what he had just witnessed. Apparently Raiya had similar contemptible words for the white-haired Talent but not the ones Travis had in mind. Instead, Raiya criticized him for either taking glory of kill that war rightfully hers; twice in fact with the case of killing Lori and being denied her revenge against Rutger. Travis frowned and rolled his eyes, already knowing where her criticism was leading to. He did his best to try and ignore it and stayed out in the event Nemo jumped in. Apparently however, he didn’t bite on and instead apologized. Travis mentally concluded he may never truly understand the ways in which Nemo’s mind worked. It was finally Felix whom re-brought up the more important fact was that one of their number, Zoey, had been filled in battle; a fact Nemo and Raiya had both failed to properly emphasize on. Felix continued to build upon this new case he made and began to express his backgrounds in a way Travis had not anticipated. As he listened to Felix, he learned that their leader had decided to essentially withdraw his blood oath on the Holy Grail itself; an object in legend Travis himself wasn’t quite sure was actually legitimate or not. More or less, Felix had utilized a spell, similar to the one Travis had created and severed his connection with the artifact. However, the motion apparently triggered a failsafe of sorts; a curse that was now bound to him and threatened to devour his mana well and ultimately his life. He finally concluded that in suspending the curse, he had fabricated a rune that would keep in check but only within its vicinity, namely within the grounds of the mansion they resided in. It quickly all made sense to Travis as to why Felix, with as much favorable power and skill he possessed, could not participate in any of their recent missions. Travis held back another urge, this time frustration, directed towards Felix for not detailing this fact that could have given everyone the context and understanding of what they were really fighting and dying for. Despite his rising contempt, Travis figured this was something Felix was likely all too aware of and likely was experiencing the guilt the problem had created too. Travis thought hard about how he would respond next. Given the missions and the end goal of the ultimate objective, he knew that this quest was dangerous. The problem though was exactly how dangerous as they now had a couple of people that have died taking on a righteous task they were not familiar with nor hardly wanting of it. In retrospect, he didn’t need to be here; he could be back in Guatemala in an abandoned warehouse continuing his runic research while only worrying of either being found out or being chanced by two not-so-friendly factions that would want him dead for many reasons. While his original hideout was arguably less dangerous, that wasn’t anything much to it. Much of the research he had recently conducted likely could not had been duplicated or discovered where he previously resided. Despite the dangers, he had owed it to Felix to giving him the opportunity for expanding his horizons tremendously, whether the ex-Arch Magi had passively intended it or not. However, that same notion was a can of worms that had opened for awhile; did he truly owe Felix anything? Considering recent events, he would have quick, maybe too quick to say no. When he truly poured thought into it, his actual answer was fuzzy at best and too many things to weigh to a finally conclusion. But what he knew for certain were his obligations he himself had vocally made and he intended on keeping them. "...honestly, I - we, still have research to conduct with the Paragons," Travis reluctantly began, already beginning to sense regret forming in the back of his conscious, "and I did say that I would find a way to undo the effects of my spell and help Zuri regain her memories and abilities...so, yeah. I'm staying."