Nation Sheet - Dark Empire •Nation Name: Caska •Government: Kingdom •Leader: Melor Lythea (The Dark Lord) •Capital City: Andor City (City of Dread) •Races: Human and Orc •Currency: Gold, Silver, and Copper (also barter systems on the outskirts of the country) •Population: A medium population of Human and a low population of Orc. About 70 000 all together. •Economy (1/10 scale): 4 •Military (1/10 scale): 7 •Weaponry: Heavy Orc Infantry Human Horse Archer Elite Spearmen Soldier Light Orc Swordsmen Serf's Small Navy *New*Undead •National Commodities: Silver mine Iron mine's •View on Foreigners: Very negative •Backstory: Caska came to prominence before the dragons had been killed off during the first half of the second era. The dragons were the first kings of Caska. The last dragon's led an army against the gods and anyone who worshiped the forge near the end of the second era. Their last true king was killed for using dragon fire instead of the forge fire to create. In the third era the dragon lord's main vassal family the Lythea held the title of king and warden of Caska. Only two generations they held the seat. They coexist with orcish hordes whom they hold council. Two orcish chieftains and three human noble families sit along side there leader the old Melor the Dark Lord.