[@Pikmin Eye] [color=63806a]‘Trubb?’[/color] Trubbish asked, sounding surprised by what Martin said, and then they kept moving. Walking through the man-made cave, it seemed like the Durants weren’t as keep on moving through here. Instead, other species of Pokémon were resting about. Specifically, tiny brown creatures sometimes sticking their heads in wandering who was walking through. [center][url=https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/31/050Diglett.png][img]https://i.imgur.com/TQOhMLZ.png[/img][/url] [color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #50 – Diglett, the Mole Pokémon. They live underground and spend most of their time submerged. It’s weak to light, and will only pop up where shielded or in caves. They often exist a mere yard underground eating roots. They’re often raised on farms, because soil dug through by Digletts is left perfectly tilled for growing healthy crops.[/i][/color][/center] … Though, with Trubbish close, they too fled before the stench, disappearing into their holes. They walked a bit, Trubbish following, before Trubbish started speaking. [color=63806a]‘Tru-trubbish. Trub, trub-trubbish! Trubbish, trub…’[/color] Trubbish said, looking up to Martin when they had gotten a bit of distance, but the corridor was continuing straight for a long distance… [hider=potentially relevant translation for Nincada][color=63806a]‘Um, excuse me, but, uh. The direction to the right of this, the incline, has the fastest way up if you’re trying to get to the surface! Beyond here, there’s just more of [i]their[/i] paths…’[/color][/hider] … Before either Nincada or Martin could potentially react to this, if they were going to, Martin could suddenly see a tiny flash in the distance. It was white light, moving. It didn’t take much to realize this was a flashlight, of someone moving the opposite direction. Darkness meant only Martin had seen them, not the other way around. Advancing onwards would mean walking straight into them. In case he didn't want to be seen there were no hiding-places in this straight corridor, and they would certainly feel Trubbish’s smell when they arrived here even should Trubbish be removed now. What will Martin do? [hider=Vast Underground Progress][img]https://i.imgur.com/d6zPMpY.png[/img][/hider]