[center][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/6fc0/th/pre/f/2011/181/3/d/ruins___panoramic_by_blinck-d3kjnuo.jpg[/img] [hr][color=gray] • Tʜᴇ Dᴜɴɢᴇᴏɴ •[/color][hr][/center] [indent]It had been twenty minutes (although it may have felt like much longer) since Ailanthus’ last vocal response in the corridor that the group had briefly felt trapped in. The group had moved through the dungeon, with only a few scattered monsters being in their way that had proved little more than envoys or scouts that had been defeated without much effort from the rattled raid group. The room they had now found themselves in was large, almost preposterously so, but for what the Dungeon had previously shown them it wasn’t all that much of a surprise with how seemingly randomized things had been. After all, threat of their very real demise or not, it was still an [i]game[/i] in their minds. The room itself was imposing – a behemoth of what looked to be the approach of some kind of crypt or tomb. Large obsidian chains hung from the ceiling as a blue liquid ran through the channels throughout the entire room. Giant pillars obscured parts of their view and the dim sunlight from the grates above poured downward. To their left, right, and front were large angular doors. As eerie as it was to look at, however, they couldn’t see a single monster in sight. How peculiar. [/indent]