[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HuFvrKV.jpg[/img][/center] Fia nodded as Livia asked for conformation - and was a little surprised. Wouldn't be bothering her anymore? The phoenix tilted her head, but as the topic of Cynthia was brought up Chione was quickly forgotten. Fia was surprised as her hair was ruffled and Livia lowered herself down so they'd be at the same height. She supposed the headmistress wasn't too upset, although she wasn't too surprised that she complained that she took up too much time. Cynthia was her servant after all, and it was her responsibility to care for the headmistress first, she supposed. She looked up curiously as Livia stood however and motioned for her to follow. Where were they going? [color=salmon]"Wait! Really?!"[/color] The girl was utterly surprised as Livia finished her last sentence, mouth somewhat agape after her exclamation and feet stopping in their tracks. She couldn't be serious, could she? No, she seemed serious. [color=salmon]"... where ... are we going ...?"[/color] Fia hurried along to catch up with Livia. [center][h3][color=wheat]Otille Kohler[/color][/h3][/center] Otille averted her gaze as she returned to her feet and waited for her familiar to put her clothes on - was this really how the cow had thought about things the whole time? At least Cocoa seemed to understand what clothes were. As the farmer began to prepare another surprise however as she caught her breath, she felt her face be squeezed into two very soft objects as Coca exclaimed her happiness. She was happy that the cow wasn't upset at least - in fact, she seemed impossibly ecstatic. She was proud her spell had worked as well. However, she would appreciate being able to [i]breathe[/i] again. Otille struggled for a couple of seconds until her head was far enough away from Cocoa's chest that she managed to take a couple of breaths. The novice mage had assumed that most familiars would cute, smaller things that would easily be cuddled based on the way the girl on the streets had explained it - using her catgirl as a demonstration. But right now, she felt that Cocoa certainly wasn't small by the looks of it. [color=wheat]"T-thanks. I wasn't awarer I could."[/color] A couple more breaths, and a hand scratching behind the cow's ear. She'd always liked that, right? [color=wheat]"Sorry for making you haul the cart, but it was important. I'm glad you seem happy though."[/color]