[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pBHEUEz.png[/img] [h2] Celestia [/h2] [h3] [color=0054a6]Sheena[/color] and [color=ff80ff]Pink[/color][/h3] [hider=Pink Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/E7u5cV2.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Sheena Appearance][img] https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fcoc-vs-battles/images/e/e5/41fe5c0dd159f04a7f23045c9227b4ea--anime-witch-anime-halloween.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170627131019 [/img][/hider][/center] While the Nexus may endure war eternal, there were many beings, small or large, that instead readied themselves for the future battles, rather than the one of that particular day. For, rest was a form of preparation as well. Sheena was sitting on a bench in front of a fountain, hat beside her as she had a bag of cookies next to her and was reading a book. [color=ff80ff]"Hmmm?"[/color] Pink's ears rose up from behind a perfectly trimmed bush, expertly placed to grant privacy to those who were appreciating the fountain. Or in this case, those spying on those appreciating the fountain. Her ears twitched a little in the wind before rising a little further, exposing her eyes. [color=ff80ff]"Worth thilting about."[/color] Tilting her head, Pink openly stared at Sheena, seemingly unashamed of her brazen and obvious spying or her butchering of language. Sheena's hat suddenly seemed to squirm and moved over to tap her hand, getting her attention before somehow pointing in Pink's location. [color=ff80ff]"Hello! Are you happy?"[/color] Pink asked with an innocent tone, emphasizing the word happy as though it were a little strange to her tongue. She seemed quite perplexed by the possibility. [color=0054a6]"Umm...hello...yes, I'm quite happy.."[/color] Sheena remarked, caught a little off-guard by the girl's manner of speaking. [color=0054a6]"You might be?"[/color] Pink perked up noticeably, her chin clearing the hedge as she energetically bounced up as her name was asked [color=ff80ff]"Oh! I'm Sapphire Pink!"[/color] Pink weightlessly flipped forward over the hedge, shimmering sparkles adorning her feet like she was skating on an invisible loop-de-loop. She landed on the ground with no sound save for the crackle of more sparkles under her feet skittering out in all directions like a firework burst against the ground. She seemed quite pleased with her maneuver, chin and tail high. [color=ff80ff]"I was just asking because usually I can smell a lot of sorrow and anger and hatred on most people, but you don't have nearly as much."[/color] Pink zipped forward, a single step gliding her across the ground and swooping into the bench next to Sheena. Sheena rose an eyebrow at this girl's antics but simply shrugged it off, [color=0054a6]"Nice to meet you, Miss Pink. I'm Sheena, and this is Shade,"[/color] She gestured to her hat which briefly resumed its specter form to wave before reverting back to a hat. [color=ff80ff]"Oh cool!"[/color] Sapphire momentarily forgot to be polite as she brought her hands up to her cheeks and gushed about Shade. [color=ff80ff]"You've got a friend who can turn into clothes too! That's one of my favorite things!"[/color] [color=0054a6]"You're...familiar with that?"[/color] [color=ff80ff]"Yup, imagine something you want, and I can turn into it, likety split! Well, if it's not to big, or not too complex. Like, I don't really understand how guns work, so I can't turn into a functional gun, but I can LOOK like a gun. Or if you want a person, I can LOOK like how you imagine that person but I won't like get their memories or their powers or anything. So, well, there's a lot of things I can't turn into, but hey on the bright side there's a lot of things I can turn into!"[/color] Pink goes on and on, like an endless tide, ecstatic that someone was interested in her. [color=0054a6]"Uhh..."[/color] Sheena was sweatdropping at how excitable this person was, [color=0054a6]"That's...great...hey, you want some cookies while we talk?"[/color] [color=ff80ff]"Oh, sure! I'd love to, is that what makes you happy? Or is it the hat friend? Deva never really seems happy. Maybe it's because no one brings her cookies!"[/color] Pink stopped as abruptly as she started on one topic, only to diverge onto another. She held her hands out like a bowl for Sheena to place a cookie in. Sheena obliged and handed her a cookie. [color=0054a6]"So, I take it you hang out here in Heaven?"[/color] [color=ff80ff]"Yup! Specifically I hang out a lot near the Resurrectorium because there's a lot of negative emotions to eat. People usually still have lingering pain or anger from the battle. I eat that so that they that maybe they can be happier."[/color] Pink nods, and then sells a very positive spin of herself, before finishing with an honest addendum as she bit into her cookie. [color=ff80ff]"And because it is delicious."[/color] She gives her tummy a little meaningful rub with her free hand, even as a few crumbs fall across it from her carelessness of talking and eating at the same time. [color=ff80ff]"But then one day, I decided to try and find the biggest unhappiness, but it wasn't there, it was in the throne room. Both Deva and Ruxen must have been very very sad, and the sadness was bigger than me and I couldn't eat it."[/color] Pink set the half eaten cookie in her mouth and spread her arms wide as she could, and looked as close to sad as Sheena had yet seen the perpetually energetic pup. [color=ff80ff]"I did a bad job trying and I think they're even more unhappy with me, so I was trying to come up with a present to apologize with. These cookies are pretty good, so maybe that'll make them happy. Do dogs eat cookies?"[/color] Sheena frowned a little, [color=0054a6]"I don't think so. Most cookies have some type of chocolate or nuts in them so I'm not sure how they may take it...but I still think it's sweet of you to want to help them."[/color] [color=ff80ff]"Ooooh... That's tricky.. No nuts or chocolate? Dogs can't eat those?"[/color] Pink pondered bringing up a finger to her lips in thought. Or to shove what remained of the cookie into her mouth. Then she turned her attention back to Sheena, beaming a little. [color=ff80ff]"Aw thanks! I used to dream I could get so big I could eat all the sadness. But then I started to learn a little bit more about how really big things are! So, I'm going to have to supplement my appetite with other ways to make people happy. Because that's what makes me happy!"[/color] [color=ff80ff]"But what about you?"[/color] Pink tilted her head again, leaning in a little. [color=ff80ff]"I just realized I latched onto cookies but you never said they were what made you happy! How silly of me, I'm sorry."[/color] Pink bounced a hand off the side of her own head in a self admonishing whack, that was rather energetic for true contrition. [color=0054a6]"It's ok. To be honest, what makes me happy is a mix of being able to help people and learning all I can about the places I go to. The more I learn, the easier it is to deal with problems I run into."[/color] She decided this was a good chance to make Pink happy too so she went to give her a hug. [color=ff80ff]"Aah?"[/color] Pink was utterly astonished that someone other than her had wanted to hug her instead of the other way round. Amazing! Astonishing! Pink's tail wagged furiously as she returned the hug. [color=ff80ff]"You're pretty great Sheena! You're awesome at making people happy. I got a cookie and a hug."[/color] [color=0054a6]"Thanks, you're pretty cool too,"[/color] Sheena giggled, [color=0072bc]"So, you get a lot of hugs?"[/color] [color=ff80ff]"Mmm... I give a lot, seeing that's how I eat, but I don't tend to get a lot. Maybe it's because I hang around too much with sad people, and sad people don't have enough happy to give hugs.. That must be it!"[/color] Pink resolved as though this was some amazing discovery. [color=ff80ff]"I bet that once I make everyone happy, there'll be way more hugs!"[/color] Sheena didn't really have the heart to bring reality into the situation so she smiled and hugged her tighter. [color=0072bc]"So, what else you do in your free time?"[/color] [color=ff80ff]"Mmm.. Well, I've been trying to learn how to sleep. It seems to make other people happy sometimes, but I can never sit still for long enough to try it."[/color] Pink let her chin rest against Sheena's shoulder, rubbing her cheek against Sheena's, luxuriating in the freely given touch. Pink's eyes were closed, as she focused entirely on tactile senses. Sheena smiled and rubbed her cheek on Pink's in turn. [color=ff80ff]"So, what are these problems you were talking about? You said you had some? Can you think of anything that would help if you had? I'm trying to learn how to become an enchanter and general stuff maker."[/color] [color=0072bc]"Eh, just general stuff on my travels. People who are in trouble or sick, or just those who cause problems in general."[/color] That was the abridged version as Sheena felt now was not a good time to bring up all the crazier stuff in her travels. [color=ff80ff]"Oh, hmm.. I don't know how to make medicine yet. That's a whole world of stuff I haven't explored!"[/color] Pink seemed happy enough with that. Curing the sick alone was a big thing. [color=0072bc]"Well, I'm sure you can help a lot of people when you do."[/color] [color=ff80ff]"It wasn't really on the list for me, seeing most of the people I hang out with are really high ranking and if they ever got sick, if they couldn't cure themselves, they'd know somebody who could, or if that didn't work they could just go and die in battle and be resurrected. I hadn't really thought about people who get sick and then need help. Man, that's a whole nother big problem."[/color] [color=0054a6]"Anything else you like to do?"[/color] [color=ff80ff]"Oh, hmm... Sometimes I birdwatch."[/color] Pink looks up at a passing harpy. [color=0054a6]"Birdwatching is nice."[/color]