Viral growled lowly, looking to the other recruits. It wasn’t so much that Korian’s teaching methods were failing them or the methods of Leto, it was more that they were mostly trainees when they left the Saiyan army so many of them received only the most basic of training while Korian seemed to mostly assume that they were expert soldiers due to them being there in the first place. He wasn’t even sure if it was their inability to let go of their fate as rebel soldiers and were just fighting because it was the only thing they knew how or if they just weren’t being taught properly if at all with Korian simply assuming they knew how to fight and improve by themselves. Looking to Let and Ricken he growled lowly, not impressed by how they acted. Leto constantly acted like battles were a stage play while Ricken never bothered to learn anything because he was overly confident. “I was made for battle. Being better than they are isn’t much of an achievement”. He wasn’t entirely sure whether he should try and fight back against her or just see what she’s able to do, if she was going to show off anything new at least. He probably should, he hadn’t done much good for her other than make her panic. Letting her have that moment to show him what she could do he simply put up short reactions, watching her as she moved around him. She wasn’t doing the usual like before, she was getting a bit too close for his liking in a training session. Throwing a punch to see what she was going to do he grunted when she saw fit to take his body and toss it over her own, landing on his feet only to be left staring at her foot. Narrowing his gaze a little, he looked up to her and frowned lightly. “I don’t care if you accidentally hurt me, but that was mostly just tossing around a ground opponent”, he spoke, not sounding particularly impressed either way by her moves, “Is any of that even suitable for when you’re flying around? Most of the Saiyan army rather like flying and hovering over ground combat. You’ll need to put more weight behind it than that, it felt like a strange sort of dance to me…” It was a little strange to be tossed around, but he was willing to follow through with it if it helped her get just a little bit of confidence back in him; however, she was doing it all wrong in his eyes. He would rather she threw him with force rather than showing off what she was capable of and expecting him to land on his feet. “You want to dance around your opponent and play this all out like a play, you’re going to have to reverse those actions…” Without waiting, Viral immediately went in and grabbed her clothing with one hand, pulling her in to knee her gut but stopped short, his other arm moving in to elbow her back but stopping short again before he twisted it to grab on to her back clothing, moving to throw her aggressively to the side but instead dropped her off on the opposite side of him. “I’m not tossing you over me, but you get the idea…” he spoke, moving away from her, “I prefer to cause the most damage in a short amount of time…”