[@Templar Knight] [hider=Barris] I really enjoyed reading through Barris' history because he really feels like he is from Viguard. Your writing style really lends itself to the character. I'm definitely interested in working on some of the NPCs for both Barris and Light. His kit seems to be up to snuff. As you can probably tell I had a bit of trouble criticizing much. It was a simple yet enjoyable character sheet. So as of right now I don't have any problems! You're welcome to add Barris to the Characters section. Thanks for submitting! Just make sure to read the rules ;) [/hider] [@LordofthePies] Hey, you're also welcome to add Light over to the characters section! [@Skrubsetsu] No worries, procrastination is the story of my life. If you need help or some inspiration feel free to shoot me a PM!