[h3][center]~Cyl~[/center][/h3] [@SpawnMeme][@Lord Zee] [hr] Cyl simply smiled at Amos' tone. If there was one thing that their siblings should know by now, it's that the youngest God did not care one bit about anything other than their own amusement. As such, the resentment in Amos' tone when she was greeted was dismissed. At the mention of them being out of practice though, Cyl sighed. Out of practice? No no, the world had simply fallen into disrepair in their absence. The realms of magic had been unmaintained and unlooked after. Oh, certainly, they were still functioning, but they could feel them. The astral realms were grinding. Slowly. Their eyes were obscured as if viewing things from underwater. [color=bc8dbf]"Ah, ah,"[/color] Cyl raised a finger and waggled it in front of Amos. [color=bc8dbf]"Out of practice? Me? Never. I live and breathe arcane energies, Amos. Being cut off from them was almost like living a life breathing stale, rotten air with every breath. It will come naturally. One just has too..."[/color] He made a fist with their hand as if he was trying to grab something unseen. [color=bc8dbf]"...try reaching for it. Unfortunately, without my or the scholars' presence, it seems the old places have fallen into disrepair."[/color] They took a few steps back from Amos, rubbing one of her eyes and closing the other. [color=bc8dbf]"My eyes are tired and blind from years of disuse, to be sure, but that will be something quickly rectified."[/color] Another spell though? They could. Quite easily, so. Using the energies lightning up this place with heaven's unlocking it would offer them a fair bit more control and more accuracy with the traveling. That said, there was no guarantee that there would be another place they could 'jump' too so to speak. Might end up jettosining them across the stars to some distant planet. [color=bc8dbf]"Hmm...I could brother dearest,"[/color] She playfully smirked, already having decided to do so anyway to sate her own curiosity, but she wanted a question answered first. [color=bc8dbf]"I could send us traveling through the back realms of the world and toss us upon the bell and likely our other siblings gathered."[/color] She paused for a moment, looking at the palm of her hand before looking over to Amos. [color=bc8dbf] "But I am curious. What do you intend to do with Desious when we arrive?"[/color] Cyl didn't know he was there for certain, but the only one with access to the Bell was Death himself. There was also the issue of the human. Jumping him again so soon might have adverse effects on him...though he supposed he could now give them a little gift, of sorts.