[center][color=yellow][h3]Lunalel Lightsword[/h3][/color][/center] [color=yellow]"You don't need to prove yourself to me, you know?"[/color] Luna said. [color=yellow]"That aside, take care of those frames, we're not buying another one if they get ruined."[/color] Luna stated, acting like a mother. [color=yellow]"Nothing else you wanted to do, though? We could probably head back to the dorm."[/color] She mentioned, taking a look around, noticing a butchery. She'd been there before for groceries and it seemed somewhat busy.[color=yellow]"Of course, we could try to get you on Sorcha's good side. We can buy a ham or something for dinner. Well, there's a lot of us so maybe two. Or maybe Maoin already has something planned..."[/color] They've been a little reliant on that girl for food lately haven't they? [color=yellow]"How much do you eat?"[/color] She asked, unsure of it since she'd not paid too much attention to the Wyrm's eating habits. Her attention had been focused on some other issues lately. [center][color=green][h3]Katherine Lindall[/h3][/color][/center] [color=green]"Cold?"[/color] Well, it wasn't all too surprising with that outfit truth be told. [color=green]"I probably have something warmer you could wear. I'm not much a fan of the cold myself."[/color] She mentioned, showing off her own rather covering robes. [color=green]"I suppose I could part with one such piece if you wanted."[/color] That was a good enough way to gain her trust wasn't it? She didn't seem all too dangerous as of yet at least. Even if she really was anyway, the Puppeteer wasn't too worried. She felt like she could take on a demon if she really wanted to after all. After asking her question though, it didn't take too long for their food to come. These eateries were always so prompt at getting food out. It was really wonderful. After setting the food to her customers, the waitress said, [b]"Enjoy!"[/b] and skittered off. Katherine took a spoon and stirred her stew around a bit before looking back up to Clione. [color=green]"It's not going to get any warmer around here if you plan to stay."[/color] [color=tan][h3][center]Kozue Komichi[/center][/h3][/color] Yes, Celine was correct. Kozue had mostly planned that those would be blocked or dodged. She didn't really expect them to directly connect as they did. Perhaps this demon was playing weak... But it didn't seem that way. Not to Kozue at least. The Priestess was just lucky that the girl used a spear and not something with more bladed edges... Like a sword. Her speed seemed slow to Kozue. Perhaps it was just the way she practiced growing up, but this demon didn't seem quite what she pegged herself to be. Of course, she trained to fight demons so this might be part of the reason. It felt like she could fight at double strength at demons, so perhaps it was a motivational thing. As the spear thrusted at her, she decided to play into it. She dodged to the side lightly, body parallel to the weapon. One hand reached out and grabbed the spear, the hand closest to Marie. She pulled the spear in it's current path, hoping it was enough to catch the demon off guard again and have her stumble forward. Kozue was betting on it happening though, and as she pulled, she spun around as well hoping to clock Marie in the head with the back of her fist. [color=b22222][h3][center]Solana Lightsword[/center][/h3][/color] [color=b22222]"Ah! Where are you going?"[/color] Sol said surprised. She didn't expect the little thing to just leave her hand in that fashion. Not all of a sudden at least. It then went over to Maoin's note. [color=b22222]"Huh? Why'd you go here? Spiders can't read... Can they?"[/color] She asked herself. That didn't seem quite right. [color=b22222]"Unless you're the smart spider I've ever seen."[/color] She lived with two humanoid dragons and a humanoid cat that could all speak... It wouldn't be too odd for a spider to understand written language. Probably. [color=b22222]"Why'd you come here and not your little web in the corner?"[/color]