[@Rabidporcupine] [h2]Ranch House: Outskirts[/h2] The patch of shrubbery was hardly ideal, but it suited Gale’s purpose well- concealing him from the hungry eyes of the attackers, and allowing him a prime view of the happenings down below. His own gaze held a sort of idle fascination, as if he were watching some sort of sport. Chin cradled in his palms, lips pulled into a pout. It hadn’t taken him long to gather that this group didn’t want the Wanderers dead- if they did, then the leader could have easily run through with his tank, or reduce the house itself to a crater with one of the nukes he had displayed. No, whoever they were, they wanted the Wanderers breathing and laying at their feet, begging for mercy. He was missing out on far more than he would like, but Gale knew better than to risk his neck in an unbalanced fight for the sake of a thrill. So he watched, and he waited, until a shout drew his attention from afar. A young man with a sloppy haircut, and the sort of light in his eyes that the ashlands were more than happy to strangle and snuff as soon as it got the chance. The impulse to lure him away and pluck those very eyes out of his skull flit through Gale’s head for a moment, but it was just a moment, his face remaining the picture of innocent curiosity. This curiosity was twisted into a look of concern more befitting of the situation as the man approached. [color=#FAAFBE]“I’m afraid I don’t know much about what’s happening, sir,”[/color] he said, [color=#FAAFBE]“other than the fact that it is my group down there that is under attack. They seem in desperate need of assistance, and I doubt that they’d harm you if it was given.”[/color] Gale cast another glance, just in time to see a collar being clamped around the throat of one Toby Schippers. [color=#FAAFBE]“I’m not aware of the reasoning behind the assault, either, but they seem remarkably well prepared.”[/color] In a best case scenario, the Wanderers would escape to live another day. However, it seemed best to keep as many windows open as possible in the event that Gale was left without a home. Preparing for another day and whatnot.