Alice found Wonderland. Dorothy was swept away to Oz. Roland, Helen, Nicholas, and David found Elidor. Coraline found her other mother. Wendy, John, and Michael are flown to Neverland by Peter Pan. Milo drives to the Kingdom of Wisdom through the Phantom Tollbooth. You found a door. It led you to a world that called out to your heart. You belonged here. You saved the world, or maybe you were destined to save the world. But something happened and you were sent home. Maybe you broke a law of the land or said you needed to say goodbye to your family before staying forever, or maybe you're a political exile, or there was some bad luck and you accidentally stumbled out past a light post. Any reason it is, you are stuck back in the world of your birth until you find your way back home, to your real home. In the meantime you are going to a school specially made just for children like you. The school is run by Elenor West, a woman who looks maybe 70 years old but supposedly is nearly 100 years old. She is just like you, she has a door and is waiting for a time when she can return home. If you want to read the books these links will have spoilers for them so don't read them if you don't want spoilers. [hider=Active NPC's] [url=]Eleanor West[/url] [url=]Kade Bronson[/url] [url=]Sumi[/url] [url=]Christopher[/url] [url=]Angela[/url] [url=]Cora[/url] [/hider] [hider=Mentioned NPC's] [url=]Jack[/url] [url=]Jill[/url] [url=]Lundy[/url] [url=]Nancy[/url] [/hider]