[center][h1][color=gray]Rectifications[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=gold]Amos[/color][/h2][/center] Amos pursed his lips slightly at Cyl's retort. As much as he hated to admit it, their logic was sound. They were one whose wit would allude most of his siblings save a few, and he was not one of those few. So as much as he wanted to argue, it would be pointless. He looked at Cyl again, realizing for the first time that they had a different perception of things. How this had escaped him in the Heaven's was not a surprise, they had barely spoken to one another. In fact, this was most likely the longest amount of time they had spent together. Was it sad? Not really, both of them had their own purpose in the grand scheme of all things and it had never allowed them more then a few brief conversations, until now. So the topic of conversation changed once again to a question he did not want to answer,[color=gold]"Ah so you have come to that which I have long pondered."[/color] Amos looked up at the sky unflinching as the rain touched his face. A somber tone filled his voice,[color=gold]"On the day I was cast out of our home I swore a pact with myself, to make Death pay for his crime. When I find him I shall do whatever is necessary to uphold that pact. No one and not a thing shall stop me."[/color] Amos brought his head back down and looked Cyl straight in their eyes,[color=gold]"Forgive me for insulting your abilities Cyl, your new proposition beats running. Shall we depart?"[/color] By this point, Amos had completely forgotten the Human standing near them. He was nothing more then an afterthought, his mind was busy elsewhere. [@Rune_Alchemist][@SpawnMeme] [center][h1][color=gray]Revelations I[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=cyan]Keyla[/color]+[color=gainsboro]Death[/color][/h2][/center] Keyla gave a small laugh at Fiala's words before dropping the conversation. Keyla then heard Death raise his voice, then others quickly followed suit. It seemed that the arrival of the New Goddess had not gone unnoticed. The situation suddenly calmed down and before she knew it, something enveloped them- an aurora. She felt a sudden pop and before she knew it the only thing she was were clouds. Her feet wobbled as her stomach dropped, she had to avoid throwing up. Somehow, they were now in city, somewhere high up. Timidly, she followed after the others. Keyla noticed that Fiala dropped behind the group, taking her time entering the building. What Keyla saw surprised her, it was a very modern establishment. She didn't know what to expect honestly, she had no idea what the tastes of Gods were but a good bet was alcohol as she heard Fiala call out what she wanted. Her eyes wandered, the place was massive and almost fitting. It seemed homely, but what was really home to such creatures? Not really knowing what to do, she took a seat on a large couch and waited to see what would happen. --- Death paused at Hiraga's words, grateful for the backup but she didn't seem to see the significance of an ant. She was right in a way, but also wrong. If an ant had wanted to talk, he would gladly listen- for not everyday did one hear an ant speak. He looked at Hiraga with a quizzical look, then turned to Goehearth after his prompt outburst. Death shook his head at him, [color=gainsboro]"Then you have been blind all these centuries, friend."[/color] Before Goehearth could respond to him, Stjerne worked his magic and with a pop they had traveled in an instant. His weapon never ceased to amaze Death, it worked as well as his own. He followed after the two Gods and walked into their grand home. Though Death did not care for it, he had to admit it suited them. His gaze wandered and he saw Keyla. Instantly he felt remorse, if he hadn't been busy with the others, he could have paid better attention to the young demigod. He could have prevented her from being involved, but it was far too late now. He could feel her energy, whatever gifts her parent had given her now might be realized. It was time for her, no, all of them to know the truth. Death walked over the lounge area where the others were gathering and spoke, [color=gainsboro]"Come now children of the Sun and Moon, let me tell you story. One of life and death..."[/color] [@mercenarius][@GrizzTheMauler][@Dealdric][@Forsythe]