[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=82ca9d]9[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://s1.postimg.org/1l2u03hqtb/tumblr_oy4sg6f3p51qd1s6no1_540.gif[/img][hr][b][color=82ca9d]Location:[/color][/b] Lab Facility[/center][hr][hr] Nine opened her eyes, snapping into consciousness all at once. It wasn't pleasant like waking up from sleep - it was as if she had been born moments ago, yet entirely different. She blinked rapidly taking in her surroundings - they were in some sort of facility. She was inside a pod - one of thirteen. Looking down, she spotted a number tattooed onto her arm - [i]9[/i]. That was her identity then or at least the closest thing she had to it. She couldn't remember anything about who she was or how she got there. She turned her head quickly towards the sound of footsteps, before she said a word. Her mind had already put together one reason why they were in stasis pods in what seemed to be a laboratory, with numbers tattooed onto their skin. She didn't like the prospect, but until other evidence presented itself, she decided to roll with the theory. Taking in the group, she noted the weapons they carried, as well as their uniforms. Private military? Or government? She couldn't tell, since Nine didn't know what to expect in either scenario. But regardless, Nine was determined not to trust them. Nine took a step out of her pod slowly, holding her hands up. She heard a blonde whisper softly not to do anything reckless. Enough people were talking to the guards, trying to get information out of them. For some reason, Nine had a feeling that she'd be good at sizing all of the guards up. She studied them, trying to get a headcount as well as weapon count. And as soon as she had a chance to get a gun from one of them, she'd take it. She didn't care who they were - already, she had slipped into a mentality of [i]us vs them.[/i]