Hallo there. I've just joined here while browsing for rps that I may or may not join for a bit. Have many 'cravings' so to speak but haven't had much time for myself. The old balancing act of life and rping. But anyway, I do have one overall question with this website's rps. I've seen many of them labelled as "Full". I'm wondering if this is usually a correct status in most cases, and if I should take stock in it. Having not made an rp on here, I don't really know the settings and options, or how easy it is to forget to unmark the 'full' status or something like that. Or if Full tends to be a hard limit or if it's like "Eeeeh we've got enough to keep things going but can take on more..." kind of thing. Anyway, thanks in advance for anyone who has info on that : )