Alice tried to respond to the boy she had met, but found herself unable to as she sucked in air. She had only run a few feet, but she still gasped like a fish out of water. Turning back to her familiar, she managed to wheeze out "Hold your hands in front of you, like this," She demonstrated for the beast, linking her own hands by interlocking her fingers, "Then lower them down to my level." As the creature complied, it's hands formed a seat capable of holding her comfortably. Settling herself into that basket and slowly getting control of her breathin again, she followed up with "Stand up," tilting backwards against the hulk as it rose to it's full height once again. Now that she was comfortable and could move faster than a bug, Alice began to take notice of her surroundings again. Specifically, the girl who had now joined them, and the boy's loud questioning of said girl. [color=lightgray]"Keep your voice down. There's something dangerous going on around here, and we need to get back to safety before we play twenty questions."[/color]