[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uvX201s.png[/img][/center] Location: Lost Haven-Maine, Apartment Complex Time: Around 9 pm Racheli peeled off her pajamas, then her foot slid the pile to the side. Casually she lifted a foot then stepped into the tub. She sank down into the hot water slowly, disrupting the water before it became still again. Vapor rose into the room until it cast a haze in the bathroom causing her to sink further into the heat surrounding her shape. Her brown hair darkened as she dunked herself lower. The ends plastered against her neck, the thoughts of yesterday washed away from her attention. Soon it would be sent swirling down the drain where it would be forgotten for a short time. The heat seeped into her skin, her body temperature elevated and seemed to mildly burn at her insides. A slight weakness washed into her limbs drawing a relieved sigh. In that moment, Racheli felt human. Even for a brief moment, she absorbed the sensation and appreciated it. Heat began to match her inner temperature as her attention drifted to the water. Blood flecked off her skin and subtly discolored the water, swirling and dancing just under the surface. The detail easily caught her attention then held it. Never before had she ever seen it quite like this. Her good arm fisted under the surface, feeling her temper claw at her heart, as she struggled not unleash in a surge of energy. She hated it. Forcing her eyes to avert from the microscopic display, her head leaned back. Something dark and unsettling curled in her heart. Some instinct sensed a predator lurking about causing her thoughts to still. Impulsive her eyes jerked to the side, spying someone there. Racheli’s lips tightened into a frown before she snapped. [color=indianred] “Do you know the fucking meaning of [i]privacy[/i]?”[/color] Michael’s eyes narrowed into a familiar annoyance. His lips thinned as he glared, his eyes shifted to her missing arm. Reining his temper, he twisted about and faced away. However, he wasn’t through with her. [b] ‘I told you that it wouldn’t work. Now can we try it my [i]my[/i] way?’[/b] Racheli snorted, letting the silence stretch between them. Her stubbornness wanted to tell him to fuck off and leave her be, but she had to admit he had a point. She casually glanced down at her arm. It seemed to twinkle back at her as light reflected off its surface, a small metal stump. Midas’ method hadn’t fixed the damaged drawing a fresh wave of irritation to wash over her. Her body slouched lower into the water, fully intending to ignore him as she soaked. An hour in, an eruption of energy swept across her mind. The room felt like it was jerking about as Racheli splashed violently. [color=indianred] “WHAT THE HELL?”[/color] She shouted. Her limbs gripped the tub sides in reaction, trying to steady herself. Immediately she sat upright with eyes darted about for the source. Nothing. Upon seeing no one, her racing heart gradually settled back into her chest and her back leaned against the tub once more. Letting her nerves collect themselves, Rach decided it was time to get out. Her hand reached for the cotton towel as she hastily wrapped it about her middle, her legs quickly stepped out onto the mat. She paused long enough to struggle with pulling the plug out with her foot. Water followed her curves with gravity into the ground where it drenched the floor. Rach, still rattled casually walked naked out of the bathroom. Her hand held the towel to her hair as it shook it dry. At this point, all modesty was tossed out the door to ease her task at drying herself. The earlier event disturbed her, her mind cast it off for the moment. No point in dwelling on it she chided herself as she waltzed to her bedroom. Today had been an exhausting day and all she could decide to do was sleep it off. The morning wouldn’t have this bullshit lingering over her head.