[@Awesomoman64][@chukklehed] Circe caught up to the others quick enough, immediately she was berated by the human student from earlier. She casually rolled her eyes at him as the girl with the golem reminded them to be quiet in case they were in trouble. [color=f49ac2]"Relax, whatever it was is gone now, besides with Vice Principal Reiko is not far behind me, and Head Mistress Aria in the woods nearby nothing will dare to attack us. And to top that off there were hoofprints leading away from the school."[/color] She turned to the boy who accused her of following him. [color=f49ac2]"I wouldn't follow you even if there was a pot of gold at the end of the trip. I just happened to come from the scene of the body and ended up coming across you. See this is why I don't do friends, everyone has an attitude."[/color] She flicked her long hair behind her and walked past the boy and to the girl with the golem, who had taken a seat in it's hands. [color=f49ac2]"This is fascinating, what way do you conjure them?? Is this the only form, or can they take any shape you can think?? What's their limitations??"[/color] Circe talked faster as the questions flooded her, she was overwhelmed with her curiosity.