[center][h2]Tommy Johnson|Enroute to the Atana Mountains[/h2][/center] When Cici picked up and asked how he was, Tommy could only note how glad he was that she had made it to Stellanova safely. If he was honest, he wasn't sure that he had been OK with leaving her alone after the Fey Hallow incident, but he also knew she wouldn't accept any kind of coddling. As he opened his mouth to answer her question though, a purring sound came through the phone, causing the trumpet player to chuckle. Meowth's were greedy and jealous Pokemon, so he wasn't surprised by it's attempt to chase him away. [color=Teal]"I can tell indeed. My egg hatched too, and the little gal, an Axew who I've named Xena, is more than ready to start training of her own accord. Tried to get in the mix soon as she had her balance figured out. Amica's working with her now."[/color] Tommy's smile grew as he watched his Pokemon train, pride at their trust in him and each other swelling in his chest. [color=Teal]"You won't believe this, but I have three evolved Pokemon. Amica's a Frogadier now, Jerus a Kirlia, and Epsilon's an Ivysaur."[/color] He took in a deep breath before continuing. [color=Teal]"I'm about a day's hike from Atana, so I thought I'd see how things are. Cell service will be really spotty once I'm there."[/color] [hr] [hider=Notes] Tommy: TP: 146+5=151 CP: 52+1=53 Pokemon: [color=SteelBlue]Frogadier: Amica, Female-level 24+3=27[/color] [color=DarkGreen]Ivysaur: Epsilon, Male-level 22+3=25[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]Eevee: Beta, Male-Level 16+3=19[/color] [color=DeepPink]Kirlia: Jerus, Male-Level 20+3=23[/color] [color=GoldenRod]Gible: Sharktooth, Female-Level 16+3=19[/color] [color=B95C0E]Axew: Xena, Female-Level 7+3=10[/color] Inventory: 3/10 Poke Ball x3 [/hider]