Our impression of it, is that it is trying (and failing) to bite off too much at once. That it would be better to start up a single persistent world in a single setting and RP type, be it sci-fi, fantasy or whatever, rather than trying to establish a persistent world for all settings at once. that opinion was in part formed before it even got started, but unfortunately it hasn't been disproven. Rather than having "fantasy planet" "superhero planet" "sci-fi planet" "tentacle love planet" and so on, we'd suggest going for just one of those, let that grow up properly before even considering to add anything else. Which setting to start it with should be decided by the community to a certain degree. Even with such, there's a major consideration to make... Should it be in a setting with vast amounts of pre-established lore (like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings) or should it be original? The former comes with baggage of varying lore quality, but the latter comes with the cost of having to define [i]everything[/i]. You need to put in a lot of work for any level of persistent worlds, and you need to let it decompose a bit in the making before you refurbish it to make it work. We certainly needed that for our star wars RP (it's on its third iteration, with more lore for each successive iteration.). And that RP doesn't even count as truly being a persistent world.