[@KoL] Yeah, a lot of people can't seem to enjoy things unless they are an absolute victor, which I can't understand. I can't play characters like that; I enjoy failures, as they help me develop a character. What do I get out of always winning? If I act perfect from the start, meta-gaming with OOC knowledge, what do I get to develop in the RP? My character would already be everything they could be; Flawless aside from traits that were meaningless? I get disgusted by people who play their characters like that. Hell, it's made me leave RP's. Plenty of them, in fact. It's caused me to kick people from my roleplays too, on two occasions. I can tolerate criticism and discussion, but I won't tolerate someone crying to me everytime something has even a slight chance of going wrong for someone's character. Because they always want to bullshit out of something, and I have no time for constantly arguing with Mr or Ms perfect.