[quote=@Galaxy Raider] *From the point on my head where you place your hand, a multicolored array of energy explodes, knocking your hand back, and as you do all color is drained from me and the small area around me* Last warning. You need more than brute force. Underestimate me again and you'll suffer for the mistake. *The energy beam stops firing, but a ball remains in my hand, that immediately detonates from within you as I pull my hand back and and fire a beam large enough to engulf you in it with great intensity* [/quote] Kirina: *once ive recovered from the explosion, cwalk towards you through the energy beam, abosrbing its energy as i move toward you, and i leap in the air, and dissapear, appearing behind you, placing two,fingers against your temple, firing a small concentrated beam of energy with enough power to collapse a galaxy through your head*