Avaline [hr] [b]"G-getting on her good side?"[/b] Avaline feigned a disgusted expression, grimacing as she recoiled back a bit. Despite her vocal response, it was clear at least that she wasn't being too honest. [b]"W-why would I want to get on [i]her[/i] good side. We're natural enemies, after all."[/b] she continued, running a claw through her black hair, shoulders drooping a bit. It was true that she did honestly, and truthfully, wanted the approval of an actual dragon such as Sorcha...but such a thing wasn't something she was ever going to get. True dragons like her only viewed failed dragons like her with nothing more than tolerable disgust at best. But she had Master Luna, now. That was enough for her. [b]"Ah? Food though? I eat whatever I can?"[/b] Not really an answer, but she didn't really have a better one. She wasn't the best hunter in existence. Livia [hr] [color=bc8dbf]"Hm? Home, Fia. I have plenty of other maids to choose from, you know."[/color] Livia replied, leading Fia out of the main office and towards her villa. Aside from Cynthia, she had a number of other maids that cleaned the place. Cynthia just so happened to be their boss, so to speak. Normally Cynthia's duties ranged simply from helping her with any personal needs, bossing the other maids around, and otherwise making sure everything was up to snuff. [color=bc8dbf]"In fact I recently hired another maid...well, technically Cynthia hired her."[/color] Reaching the door to her Villa, Livia didn't even have to open it before the 'new' maid opened the door and greeted her in their usual slightly ditzy manner. Chione [hr] [b]"Ah, you're right."[/b] Chione replied. [b]"But if you have something I could borrow, I would be very appreciative."[/b] Perhaps this woman wasn't evil, then? Just a little lost like she had once been. Hm, difficult to ascertain just from one meeting. Soon though, their food arrived and the priestess had to admit, the food was well done. She was a little upset she couldn't pay for it herself, or otherwise ahem, offer her services in payment but still. Hmm. [b]"Ah...well, I think I've decided what I'll be doing for money."[/b] Chione commented thoughtfully. [b]"How fares the...festivities around here? Anyone need a good dancer?"[/b] She was used to solo acts, so even if there wasn't some festival or something she could easily do it herself. Even a few instruments, if she could find someone to play. Maybe she'd have to make them herself... Celine & Marie [hr] Tsk, this human was fast. She should have taken that into account. Still, wasn't much she could do to match her speed, even if she was at her best. How did a human move so fast anyways? She hadn't a clue. It definitely wasn't magic, that was for certain. Well, whatever it was - it didn't matter. She'd win regardless, of course. She'd win, because she wouldn't suffer any such loss to a human. [color=silver]"Hpmh!"[/color] She had a few tricks up her sleeves herself. As soon as Kozue grabbed the spear, Marie reacted quickly. The pale white light blinked from existence, Kozue would find herself grabbing nothing, only causing the young demon to duck under Kozue's fist. Once done, Marie spun, the spear appearing once again in her hand as she slashed upwards with the end of it, aiming for Kozue's face. Cocoa [hr] [b]"Ehe, of course I'm happy!"[/b] Cocoa leaned into the petting, tail swishing happily. [b]"And don't worry Otille! I can carry anything you want, even you!"[/b] Without waiting for Otille's permission, the cow girl wrapped her arms around the farm girls waist, easily picking up the girl off the ground, one hand under her legs and another holding her back tightly. [b]"I'm more than strong enough! So where too?"[/b] The cow seeming eager if nothing else. Ariadne [hr] The spider seemed to at least like Sol or something judging from the way it behaved. Maybe even somehow intelligent, too. It crawled over to the stove, seeming to find the buttons for 'setting 3' and tapping it lightly with one of its legs before stopping, and looking back up at Sol. Or perhaps not. It was a spider after all. Maybe it was just doing what spiders normally do. It did however, seem to take notice of a fly buzzing around the room and turn its attention from Sol.